Jamie ~1

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The chapters will show you who's point of view it is an the chapter number.

Shine on my Darkness

Present day... He is 17 now.

When I had awoken the next day I found myself in my current room in a house in the woods that me an my mother protect from evil. She had told me that I was like her now an when I looked behind me I saw that I had black angel wings. My mother told me I was the only angel like this because of my special gift. After that day my mother started to train an mentor me on the correct way to use my powers while I did this she also had me go back to school but not the same school we were now in Oregon instead of Washington were me an my dad lived.

Over the past five years I've become a master to my powers so now my mother doesn't have to help me as much. There's also been some trouble happening lately that I have to idea where it's coming from. I just keep seeing demons popping up an attacking me. Because of this I keep a distance to people at school. I don't want them to become targets or anything like that, so I became a loner ever since I was 15 an had started high school.

As long as I have no friends I won't have to worry about them finding out my secret or anything else. It's already half through the month of August an students seem to still be coming to school showing off there new clothes. Because I have power I don't have to travel to the mall for clothes an can just think of what I want an make it appear. I could do that with money to but that would be doing to much.

"Sweetie are you going to school now?" My mom calls from the cozy living room while I grab my car keys off the coffee table in front of her.

"Yep," I say an walk towards her to give her a hug.

"Okay, have a great day an at least make one friend this year please," she shouts after me as I walk away to the garage.

"No thanks," I call back over my shoulder walking out the door an walk towards my 2019 Jeep Wrangler. It's my favorite car my mom bought it for me when I was sixteen.

I jump in my car an turn on the radio. Letting whatever songs on play. I'm not picky with anything except eggs I don't like eggs they make me sick. Literally.

My home is in the middle of a Forrest that is protected by me an my mother. The humans an other supernatural's call it the Forbidden Forest so we kept the name. I have to drive through a dirt trail until I reach the road that leads to town where my school is. I started getting hungry so I made an apple appear in my hand.

When I reach the school I had finished the apple an hoped out the car with my bookbag an lock my car before walking towards the school. When I walk through the door I am met with lustful stares and envy gazes.

I know I'm extremely handsome it comes with being an angel. That's why my mother looks like she could be my sister. But I don't like it as much, no matter how much I reject these girls, ignore them, or be rude. They come back acting innocent and trying to be my "friend".

I walk to my first class an sit down at the back of class I sit back an watch out the window it look like it might rain today. I still hadn't stopped looking out the window even when the bell rang but turned anyways when I heard the teacher start talking about advanced honors chemistry.

I like this class even though science has yet to figure out what makes supernaturals, supernaturals? Or if a alternate universe exists or not. I also like this class cause people who don't like to downgrade themselves in front of me aren't in this class.

We had begun a project in class that needed to be finished before the end of class. The teacher also allowed partners which everyone had except me, I didn't mind it meant that I didn't have to worry about my partner slacking or not.

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