Zoey ~5

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Found what you were looking for?

"Morning," I chirp when I walk up to Jamie who is at his locker with an apple in his mouth. He gives me a side ways glance then a nod. "Your not going to say morning or good morning back?" I tease. To me he seems not like a morning person.

He narrows his eyes at me while closing his locker. So he is not a morning person. "Well I guess it doesn't matter cause I know you want to say it deep down," he raises an eyebrow at me in a 'excuse me' type look.

"What's your game here Johnson?" He asks taking the apple out of his mouth.

"Nothing I just want to be friends," he scoffs an starts to walk away.

I am taken back by his scoff but not for long cause I grab at his arm which turns his body towards me at bit. "Are you really doubting my friendliness?" I ask.

"Yep," he say popping the 'p' with an amused glint in his eye when he see me with a slight angry expression."Is miss sunshine getting angry," he teases me.

The fact he was teasing me shows he may actually like me which puts a smile on my face. "Nope," I copied his pop on the 'p'.

Jamie sighs then starts walking off again towards our class. Quickly I start following right behind him. It's still early and I wanted to see where our class was as I am new here after all.

When we reached our class I walked in and the teacher was standing right near the door. Jamie walked to the back to his seat an I walked over to the teacher with a smile gracing my face.

"Good morning sir, my name is Zoey Johnson and I'm new here," I stick out my hand for him to shake. He was very old an looked slightly pleased with my introduction.

"Well miss Johnson please pick a seat and class will begin shortly. Also since you came only about half the month late I will excuse you from tonight's homework." He says very professionally.

"Thank you sir," I say then turn to the seat and see most of the class has yet to enter and only few academic students who I refuse to call nerds were sitting around the class looking at papers or just waiting for class to begin. But Jamie was sitting in the back corner looking through the window as though he was looking for something.

"Found what you were looking for?" I ask once I sit in a desk next to his.

Jamie turns his head an gives me a questioning look. "You were staring out the window like you were looking for something," I shrug.

He has a look of understanding then turns back to look out the window without a second glance. I feel like I'm forcing him to talk when he does cause he seems to hate talking. Either that or he just doesn't really like me even after having a great time at Starbucks together.

Sooner or later the bell rings and by that time most of the students have made it on time to their seats while the few get lectures about being a second late. Since I'm new the teacher wanted me to stand an introduce myself to the class. I did and loved it cause I love attention I don't care what type of attention as long as it there. My foster parent doesn't even give me the time of day unless he needs something.

After that he started on about literature and yada yada, things like that through class until the bell finally blessed my ears an allowed us to leave. I may love school but I hate it when it comes to literature class. I was just happy I had Jamie there to annoy when the teacher wasn't looking.

Jamie was about to walk away and down the hallway until I caught up to him with my schedule in my hand. "Hey Jamie do you have this teacher next?" He doesn't turn his head but let's his eyes look over it. He shakes his head no. "Then can you show me where her class is then, please?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes.

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