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I Might Even Dropout

After Jamie's mom dropped me off outside the gated community I waved her goodbye and watched her drive off down the street before turning away from the beautiful and peaceful neighbor to go down the street towards the house I live in. Notice I didn't say home.

As I got closer I could see that Mr. Oxfords car was parked on the travel outside the house. Man why did he have to already be back I sigh then go into the house. When I opened the door the house smelled like weed and since I'm used to the stench I kept walking to go to my room but that was before Mr. Oxford came out of no where around the corner and when he saw me and his expression went from nothing to hatred. He came up to me and grabbed me by the back of my neck with one hand and a beer in the other.

"Where have you been!?" He growls. "I've been hungry for almost and hour now," I cower in fear not wanting him to hit me so I stay quiet. "Do you hear me girl!?!" He helped in my ear.

I squeak out a small, "Yes sir."

"Then hurry up," he growls again and throws me towards the kitchen but I stumble and hit the wall while he grunts and walks away. "And don't give me one of those weak sandwich's I want a meal." He calls out.

I quickly grab all the ingredients to make chicken and shrimp Alfredo. He likes it and since the sauce is white I can put some sleeping medicine in his food. I've done that a few times and I've made sure that it was safe. I wouldn't want to kill him, no matter how horrible he is to me I could never wish death on someone even if there as more than one times he has definitely earned the right to die.

I was almost done when I could hear Mr. Oxfords had come into the kitchen. I grow tense and continue to stir the ingredients. When I feel him right behind me and looking over my shoulder.

"Hmph," he goes then walks away from me and sits at the table. "Well I haven't got all day," he says from his seat and I could feel his eyes on my back.

I grabbed a plate and turned back to the pot putting the food and the sleeping power in his food then mixing it well. I bring it over to him then back away quickly going to the fridge to get him another beer. He would be asking for one if I didn't and he probably won't end up drinking it if he falls asleep.

I then covered the pot and turned off the stove then walked out the kitchen running to my room and closing the door behind me softly. He always ends up passed out on the sofa so no need to watch him. So I took a shower relaxing my body in the process. After I got out the shower I looked into the mirror to see how my bruises were looking I even noticed my bruise on my neck is worse now. With a sigh I put my pajamas on then go to bed but not before locking my bedroom door.


I woke up the next morning not feeling any better than last night. I looked at the time before getting ready for school but on ripped jeans and a cropped sweatshirt but I put a tank top underneath. I even put some makeup on my neck and very light lip stick on so it looked natural. Grabbing my bookbag I unlock my door and slowly walk into the living room to see Mr. Oxfords still passed out thankfully.

Going into the kitchen I see my food I made still on the stove. Since I put the air conditioning on the food was cold enough so it didn't get warm last night so I pack some for lunch and breakfast. I do really love Alfredo it's one of my favorites. Putting that a water and and the last apple in my bag I'm now ready to leave so making sure my key was in my bag I leave for school quietly closing the door behind me.

Thinking about Jamie put a smile on my face. I have reached the gated area where I catch the bus with a few other kids and was ready to see if Jamie decided to come to school you know with him being still hurt and all.

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