Jamie~ 14

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"So what are we making again?" Zoey asks standing at the archway to the kitchen while I took out the ingredients we would need.

"We are making our own pizzas," I say with my head stuffed in the refrigerator.

"Is it like a competition?" she asked. Which I thought would be fun.

" It can be if you like I think it would be fun, maybe my mom can be our judge," in which she nodded in agreement.

Once I grabbed everything I needed I turned to her. "Well let the games begin," which made us jump to it. Zoey used the kitchen tablet to look up how to prepare the dough in which she wanted to do from scratch while I did mine with premade dough. This seemed already like an easy challenge cause with her doing it from scratch she would take longer to make hers then me.

Zoey was just putting her ingredients on the pizza when I was finishing mine. "Well look at that lil miss Zoey hasn't even finished hers, maybe because she is... stalling," I raise my eyebrow her way.

"Why would I need to stall?" She asks while putting her pizza in the oven.

"So mine could get all cold while yours is cooking," she crosses her arms at me.

"Well it not my fault your scared you can't cook," she says with a quirk to her lips.

"How. Dare. You. My pizza is going to taste amazing even if it's cold," I declare.

She shrugs with a smirk. "What ever you have to tell yourself and shouldn't you be getting our judge?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

I sigh before belting, "MOTHER COME HERE PLEASE," causing Zoey to cover her ears and I laugh at the squinting expression she did. I knew my mom would take for ever to come so I ate one of the pepperoni's off my pizza. But then I got a feeling and guess what that feeling always means. Someone has entered the forest and I closed off the road entrance so someone from Heaven is here.

"Um.. my mom seem to be taking a long time I'll go see what she's doing and you make sure not to burn your pizza," I say while backing away then once out of her line of sight I go out the front door and see Jason and Kade walking towards the house.

I run up to them so they don't get to close to the house. "Hey guys what you doing here?" They look at me puzzled.

"Why you don't want us here? You've literally never questioned why we're here," Kade says raising his eyebrow at me, he would be one to point that out.

"Yeah he's right, what going on with you? Still tramatized from yesterday's events?" Jason put his arm on my shoulder even though he's probably six inches shorter then me but Kade is like an inch taller then me I'd say.

"Umm no just wondered because I was actually about to leave to go to the store so maybe you guys could come back," I said. I really don't know why but I did not want them to see Zoey again here it would make them think I like her... in a certain way.

"Why can't we go with you..." Jason's question is cut off by Zoey coming out the looking around before landing her gaze on us.

"Oh hey guys did you come for the pizza too? Oh and your mom is ready when you are Jamie," she says before walking back into the house closing the door behind her.

"You rat, were you really lying to us," Jason hits my arm only slightly.

"No I was just after I dropped Zoey off as well," I shrugged and started walking to the house. They might as well stay since their already here.

"So you were lying as he said before?" Kade says with a cocky grin like he knows what's happening.

"No, but if you guys want to stay we made homemade pizzas," I grunt out and walk into the house and to the kitchen.

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