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Them College Day's

"Where should I even start?" Mom thinks out loud. "Okay um, Lucifer is..your father." She paused probably expecting me to explode.

"And... I still don't understand how you two ended up together of having me or what about me?" We were sat on the sofa as my mom held one of my hands in her small ones.

"Well..when I was in my college days I was always locked in my dorm never went out anywhere and my friends thought I need a break from my studies so they took me out with them to a well known club in that area...."

Mom's college days... (When she was still human)

"Come on Maya you need to get out of this room and stop studying all the time," my best friend at the time Riley said.

"I-I just don't know, I haven't been out on a school night before and I don't want to mess anything up," Maya's shy college self explained.

"Girl, so many guys have asked us about you and it kinda hurt how even after you turn them down they still come back, but you should at least enjoy yourself once in your whole college life, you've only got five more months here before you graduate," my other old friend Sam tried to convince me, which she did.

"Okay fine, but only this once," my friends gave me a disappointed look. "Okay I'll go back if I enjoy it tonight," my friend gave a more approving look.

"Good cause your going to want to after tonight so let's get you dressed up," my two friends dragged me around in the small dorm room going through all my clothes before deciding on this one black two piece dress that was pretty flashy, shiny and had no sleeves, the bottom half was a skirt that stopped at my mid thigh and the shirt was a tube top and the heels were simple black open toes.

Then they dragged me around to do my makeup and hair before they even started on themselves. We're were all over twenty one so we didn't need fake IDs.

"Okay let's get drunk!" One of my friends would always say before she went out. When then went straight to the club and one of the other friends had connections so we didn't have to wait to get it and my friends showed me around before we went to the bar and friends started getting me to drink as we.

"Hey Maya that hot guy over there keeps looking at you!" My friend yelled into my ear over the pounding music all around us. I looked over my shoulder at the end of the bar and thought he was really handsome and he had this allure to him but I didn't go over to him not being a very bold person at that time.

My friends had then with lots of peer pressure had got me to drink and I'd never drunk before so I was pretty much a lightweight so I got drunk pretty quick. So I was not holding back once I was drunk I was dancing with my friends and was having a great time and then next thing you know I back at the bar to get a drink and that's when the handsome man started talking to me.

I had completely forgotten about my friends and dancing when he was talking me up. He showered me with compliments even though I was a mess and one thing lead to me waking up in his hotel room the next morning.

Now this is just when we were first just meeting I still wasn't pregnant with you yet. So I rushed and put my clothes, we exchanged a few word before he dropped me off at me dorm and my friends were frantic when I saw them crying thinking I was kidnapped and stuff but I went on with life. Not really thinking about how I don't remember my first time or how easily something wrong could have happened I just thought that if I ever saw him again I would hope that we could hook up again and remember it this time.

So let's fast forward to when I'm out of college and I was with your... not really your father but I was with him about five months after the whole one night stand and we had just got this nice one story home. We lived there for about two years and I still hung out with the same friends I did in college.

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