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The next morning I was feeling only a little out of it but I knew I would perk up as soon as I left the house. I had finally removed all the furniture from infront of I door then left for school. I ride the bus in the morning and would in the afternoon if Jamie didn't insist on taking me home everyday.

As soon as I'm at school I decide to get a breakfast from the school cafeteria then I went straight to class, smiling and waving at everyone I pass by that smiles at me.

My first class was empty so I decided I would wait by playing games on my phone the bell would ring in about another hour or less. Jamie had yet to come in so I was left to my thoughts and the games I had in my phone.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Jamie surprised me out of my trance.

"Huh oh good morning Jamie, did you sleep well?" I smile actually wondering if he's sleeping good considering he's still hurt.

"Yeah, but more importantly did you? You looked out of it when I walked in, you okay?" He sits in the desk next to mine.

"Yeah I'm fine, just was a little restless last night, I just couldn't sleep," Jamie takes what I said with a emotionless face and nods.

He sighs. "Okay, um we're going to the park after school today," I nod even though he didn't really sound like he was asking.

The school day went slower then usual but school was over soon enough and Jamie had taken me to the park all in a flash. "So why are we here today?" He looked around at the few kids that were there and how nice it looked full of trees and flowerbeds.

"Nothing just thought we could talk and have a nice chill place to just relax in since no one will let me move that much." We sit on a bench that right infront of a pond.

"So how about we tell each other more about ourselves while we're here," I shrug thinking nothing of it.

"So where are you originally from?" Is Jamie's first question.

"Georgia, how about you, have you always lived here? I watched the duck swim around in the pond.

"Um no I used to live with my dad in Washington," He answered adjusting himself to sit back more comfortably.

"Oh why did you move to live with your mom, if you don't mind me asking," I quickly say at the end, I wouldn't want to pry to much.

"Well my father and mother had separated and that kinda left my dad depressed but sooner or later he started to...beat on me," my head whips to look over at Jamie, I never would have thought Jamie would have been in a situation close to mine.

"Of course I'm okay now that my mom took me in so I've basically been forgetting about what he's done to me because I know I can lead a peaceful life when I don't think about him," Jamie looks over with a quirk to his lips. "Sorry that got mad depressing."

"It's okay...I understand that you may want to tell someone even though it's over now, and I'm really happy that you were able to be with your mom again." Kinda wondering why Jamie would go through something like that.

"Yeah, I don't even think I would want to move out I could always just be a free loader and stay with her." Jamie's jokes. "What's your home like Zoey, your always smiling and today you looked a little depressed so I wanted to bring you somewhere peaceful," he shrugs like him noticing my mood changes are not something important.

"It's fine..I guess, I'm actually a foster child but I don't even know how I ended in foster care if my family died in a fire actually so now I have a life with Mr. Oxford who is just as good as he can get," I hide my sadness by looking around the pond area.

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