Zoey~ 11

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His Pained Face

We reach an opening in to the woods in two minutes.

We reached his home and it was amazing it even blended into it's surrounds, it was so homey also very large.

We helped Jamie out the car as fast but carefully as we could we then brought him into his house and his mom directs me the lay him on the white, soft couch.

"Okay now what?" I say look to Jamie's mother.

She sighs. "You going to have to leave the room while I dress his wounds, okay?" His mom's eyes tells me she is lying but I know that for her to see his wounds she would have to undress him.

"Yeah, were do you wants me to be?" I look around

"There is a room upstairs right across from the stairs you can go in there," I nod and with one last look to Jamie's pained face I head upstairs.

The door right across from the stairs was a door that was all matte black. She told me to go in this room so I will, taking a deep breathe I open the door.

It's was a very neat room lots of brown, beige and white. There was a bookbag in the corner so I wondered if this was Jamie's room. If so why would his mom tell me to come here?

I looked around some more and in the middle of the room is a king sized bed, with a giant picture of something I think I saw in one of me history books but it looks like it's been modified. On the dresser are some hygiene items and colleges of picture of Jamie and his mom. I wonder we're Jamie's dad is?

Looking at more pictures I see some when Jamie's was young and he was with a little girl and two boys, that must be some friends of his. The little girl did reminded me of the Lilly girl at lunch that time. I thought he didn't have friends?

I sat on the bed and decided I would just sit and wait. I laid back and looked at trying roof and thought about stuff before I started to drift off into a dark sleep.

I woke up stretching my aching limbs I looked around confused before realizing I was still at Jamie's house. I wonder if his mom was done by now Jamie had a clock on his night stand it wasn't a digital one but it looked very unique. It said it was about five o'clock just about an hour and a half after we brought Jamie here.

Quickly gathering myself I got off his bed and went down stairs to find Jamie on the couch with no shirt on and his stomach wrapped. But he wasn't alone. Lilly and two other guys were sitting around his laughing.

"Oh I see your up," Jamie's mom comes out of no where.

"Yeah sorry I guess I was tired from the running and everything else today," I shrug.

"Well I'll introduce you to everyone or Jamie will he is doing lots better thanks to you," she warmly smiles at me, which made me feel kinda better.

She walks me over and everyone's eyes turn to me and Jamie held relief in his eyes. "Everyone this is Zoey she is a friend of Jamie," his mother says and motions for me to sit next to Jamie who was laying on the couch. There wasn't enough room for me to sit next to his head but Jamie sat up a little with a slight groan.

"Hey it's okay I can sit on the otherside," but Jamie had other plans and still made me sit there and he laid back down but with his head on my thighs.

"I needed a pillow they wouldn't bring me one," he playfully pouted and then looked towards his friends.

"Well you seemed to be doing better so I thought you could have just got one yourself." One guy with messy hair and some small tattoos said with a smirk.

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