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You are the father

I had went home that night after talking to Zoey in the park and felt some what like a small weight was lifted off my chest. Then the next morning when school came around the next day I had noticed Zoey's eyes didn't shine with a uncertain sadness like usual but instead held expectation as though she had something to look forward to.

She had made me promise to always be her friend and I was actually happy to make that promise because Zoey was unlike anyone I had ever met. She was kind and generous, she spoke her mind and always have given her all and I was proud to have a actual friend at school I could talk to freely.

It was the middle of the day and I only had one last class to go to before school was out. Passing the boys bathroom and down the hall I thought I could meet with Zoey and walk to class with her. When I turned the next corner I saw a group of girls and Zoey was in the middle of them.

Not knowing what was happening I stayed behind the wall and waited to see what was going on as the hallways cleared and more girls stood around her and Zoey looked confused and kinda nervous.

Looking more closely, that one girl that came from the other hallway was walking towards the group of girls while wearing a short skirt and a crop top with heels and kinda heavy makeup, it was Brittany. I hadn't seen her since I had told her off on Zoey's first day here.

"Move!" Brittany parts the crowd like the Red Sea. "Your that bitch that's been hanging around Jamie right?" Brittany looks at her disgusted.

"Um yeah I guess so, what about it?" Zoey crosses her arms still confused.

"What about it?!? You've been hanging off of him since you got here, so I'm going to need you to stop, or else," Brittany sneers.

"Excuse me but Jamie is my friend and I'm not going to just stop talking to him because a Class A Bitch told me not to, so excuse me but you've wasted enough of my time," Zoey tries to leave but the group of girls block her path.

"Listen hear hoe your going to stop hanging around him because he is mine and you don't mess with another bitches stuff or else you get bit, so I'm going to ask you nicely now and if you agree we won't have to do anything," Brittany smirks. I sigh looks like I should jump in now before it goes anymore down hill from here.

I walked out from around the corner and stopped like I was surprised to see a bunch of girls in the hallway and they all turn to see me and start adjusting their clothes.

Brittany turns to me. "Oh my gosh Jamie!" Her whole attitude goes from threatening to giddy, she pushed other girls out her way. "I haven't seen you in a while," he twirls a piece of her hair.

I just look at her with my same cold expression I always have but I probably look colder than usual cause she was just threatening the one person I was actually able to make a friend with. Looking up to see Zoey she flinched and my face softened.

I tried walking right past Brittany but she grabbed me by my arm. "Jamie wait!" Her eyes actually looked more sad then desperate than usual. I sigh and move her hand from my arm and walked up to Zoey, the girls around her moved out my way.

"Zoey can you take my bag to class for me?" I take off my bookbag and hand it to her. She looked at me confused but still nodded and walked off until she was out of sight.

"Now will all the rest of you go to class, you only wasting my and your time standing here," the girls looked some what scared and scurried off to their classes.

Turning Brittany was still standing there as though she was waiting for us to be alone. I sigh not really in the mood to deal with her but I also didn't feel the need to say something rude to get her to go away.

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