Jamie ~6

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You have to stay here

I had just left Zoey in the cafeteria. I don't know why but I did, I just don't need her around my house maybe if I living somewhere else but I can't leave that forest for the humans and supernaturals to destroy. The only reason they haven't is because me an my mother have been protecting it from evil with traps and barrier's.

I sat in my next class and thought about today and yesterday and how I had actual fun with someone my age not someone with terrible intentions or someone just trying to get into my pants but someone who wanted to hang out with me for me. Even though I have been rude to her. I sigh an try to pay attention during class, getting rid of all thoughts of Zoey. But it didn't workout so well.

After class I saw Zoey at her locker with a concentrated look on her face, so I decided not to bother her and went on to my last class of the day.

After class I saw Lilly leaning against my car once I got outside. Before I could take a step off the staircase that's in front of my school I heard my name being called. Turning I see Zoey running trying to catch up even though I stopped moving.

"Jamie, hey I was thinking we could go to Starbucks again today and make it like a thing we could do every now and then," she smiles I really don't like that I have to ruin that smile with my frown but I have to talk with Lilly.

"I sorry Zoey but I kinda got something to do," I nod my head towards my car where Lilly still waits and watching tapping her foot. Zoe looks over then her mouth make a 'o' form in understanding.

"Oh yeah I guess I forgot, sorry to bother you, see you tommorow," she was about to walk off.

I sigh. "Wait!" She turns but with a hopeful glint in her eye.

"I can't go to Starbucks today but I can tomorrow if you like," she nods with an excited smile.

"Sounds like a playdate, see you," she was about to walk off until I realized something.

"Hey do you need a ride?" I ask.

"No I'm fine I like to walk, it lets me clear my head," she shrugs.

"I could still bring you, I don't want you walking out there not knowing if something might happen," I look down.

"I'm fine Jamie hurry to Lilly cause I think she is getting impatient, I know I would," she chuckles then walks off quickly I sigh one last time before making my way over to my car.

Lilly has a grin on her face as I unlock the doors to put her in. She jumps in then looks at me. "What?!?" I say frustrated.

Her eyes widened an it looks like she wants to laugh. "Nothing, nothing at all," I give her a small glare before backing out of the parking spot and down the road to my forest. Lilly is an angel like me but her wings aren't black like mine her's are white like a regular angels but she has power that can control everything around her such as controlling earth, water, air and fire she has a gift of elements.

Its a cool power that I can also do. I can do any power other angels can do as long as I have touched them before. I've hugged, poked, an skimmed Lilly enough to know that I can definitely do the powers that she does that why I could use a dagger made of ice the other day.

As soon as we reached the front of the forest I could sense that something was off again I got out the car an Lilly followed knowing I feel something is off. A second later demons started poking out of the leaves an bushes even behind trees. We were surrounded but not for long.

"You get this side I get the other," I say. Lilly smirks an nods I give her my own smirk before turning towards the demon closing in on us.

I saw one about to launch at me but I quickly dodged him before throwing rocks at them, I even got a really big rock for about ten of them an crushed them. Lilly had used her power to grow a thick branch on the tree so it could hold her while she throwing ice an fire balls at them.

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