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Who was that?

It's been a week since Lucifer came to my house and mom told me about how they first met. Even though he said he would be back he hadn't come back since then and I've been kinda jumpy if that's what you want to call paranoid. Zoey was even telling me that I looked like I was looking at the ghost of Christmas past whenever she would pop up behind me.

"Jamie, how do you do this?" I looked up at Zoey as we sat in Starbucks doing our homework together.

"Oh, um use this formula, you know how to use this one right?" she nods then takes a second to think about it before shaking her head no, I sigh and explain it to her we went on as usual for a while.

"Oh Jamie how have you been?" I froze. His voice hung right over me and I didn't want to look up because maybe it's just me being paranoid, but I didn't want to find out if that was true.

"Jamie," Zoey whispers and taps me. "There's a handsome man talking to you," she continues to tug on my long sleeve shirt.

"Oh, and who is this, your girlfriend perhaps," that when it dawned on me there could be a problem if he targets Zoey and I don't even know what he is targeting me for.

"She's just someone I'm doing homework with," I knew to say that would probably upset Zoey but this is to protect her. "We were just finishing to so, bye," I say while packing my stuff and walked out past Lucifer.

"Jamie?!" I was about to get in my car when Zoey came running out of Starbucks. "Hey, you're not going to give me a ride?" Zoey looked confused.

I saw Lucifer leaning against the wall outside the door watching so I tell Sorry sorry advance, I give her the cold look that I give the girls at school. "And why would I do that?" I get in my car and Lucifer comes up to my car and even though I left the window up it started rolling down.

"Now that isn't nice son, you should give the lady a ride, I know your mother didn't raise you like that," he leans on my car then steps back walking away. I never really thought about it but he wore dark suits which I thought a little weird but then I got back to the point.

When I turn to look again I notice he had vanished, I got out of my car and looked around but I couldn't find him. Zoey watched me still confused then ran up to me as I leaned against my car feeling relief. "Jamie, what's wrong? What was that?"

"I-I just," how should I explain to her that my father Lucifer might target her if he knew they were friends.

"Okay, who was that man?" she asks.

"He was my real dad," Zoey's eyebrows raised.

"The one that abandoned you and your mom?" I nod.

"Were you trying to leave me so you could get away from him?" I nod and put my face in my hands. I could possibly tell her that if I stayed any longer closer to him then I might have suffocated under his overwhelming power.

"Well Jamie you look really pale why don't you go straight home, I can take a taxi today," thinking about it I didn't want to leave her alone right now.

"No, it's okay maybe you can come over," Zoey looks like she thinks about it before nodding her head.

"Yeah, sure," I open the car door for her. When we reached my house we got out of the car and went inside to find my mom, Lily, Kade, and Jason in the living room.

"Oh, you guys are here," I close the door behind Zoey.

"Yeah, they came because of...Oh, Zoey, you're here, I haven't seen you in a while," my mom gets up to give her a hug. "Why don't you come in the kitchen with and we can pick out some snacks, are you staying for a while?" Mom questions her as she guides her into the kitchen.

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