Jamie ~2

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You didn't bore me

After the class with miss sunshine I quickly had left to my next class. I had lunch right now and as usual I sat at a table by myself. No irresponsible teenagers just a nice quite lunch.

"Jamie!" I hear my name being shouted across the lunchroom making not only me turn my head to look but everyone else. But guess who it was, little miss sunshine.

She had caused a big disturbance yet acted as though nothing happened and walked towards my lunch table. "Hey, Jamie," she said then just sat down like I invited her to have tea with me. It was very amusing actually.
"So, how was your day," she just sits there an asks looking at me expectantly.

I noticed she didn't have a lunch. So me being a gentlemen an the angel I am I asked her, "Do you want some of my sandwich?" she frowns slightly.

"Oh um no thanks I'm not hungry," next thing you know I could here her stomach growling across the table almost as if she hasn't eaten for a day or two. I sigh an push my lunch that consists of a sandwich, juice, and a apple towards her, there was even some cookies.

"I-I can't take your food, you have to eat to," she then slide the plate back towards me.

"I'm fine so why don't you just eat it," I slide it back towards her," she looks kinda upset.

"I don't need you to feed me like I'm a child, I said I wasn't hungry," she slides it back.

"Yes, you are, so if you eat this I will eat the fruit salad I have in my bag," she drops the frown an smiles but not before placing the cookies in the middle of the table.

"We can at least share these, I don't want to take all your food," I nod an make a fruit salad appear in my bag before taking it out an placing it in front of me with a bottle of water. "Thank you," she give me a bright smile.

I keep my face emotionless an give a curt nod. We eat in silence as I look through my phone while eating. "What you looking at?" She asks looking towards my phone.

"Just checking my emails," I shrug. "Nothing special." She nods content with my answer an I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Hey Jamie," I hear a feminine purr from the right side of me. I sigh.

"What do you want, Brittany," I've always had the worst trouble getting ride of her. She is the worst leech ever, she was stalking me one day an when I went to go home I had to make a random house appear a mile away from town then go inside it to get away from her. I didn't want her to know where I live.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to come over to my place today after school, my parents went on cruise so we will have the house to ourselves," she whispered close in my ear.

"Actually I'm busy today, an every other day that involves being around you," I say making Zoe stiffle a a laugh.

"Are you sure, I could give you anything that you want?" Why does she keep trying?

"No thank you, but I already have a mother for that, cause you see she gives me a roof over my head an food on my table so I think I'm all good," I look up at Zoe an see she is hiding her smile behind her hand as she eats her sandwich.

"Sure she can give you that but I can give you something that she can't," she purrs putting her hand on my shoulder.

I look at her hand like it's a disease. "Well it can't be a life cause you seem not to have one yourself," I shake her hand off my shoulder. Her cheeks turn red an she storms off without another word, thank you God.

I look back over at Zoey to see her die of silent laughter. Have you ever laughed so hard that you can't even hear it. That's what she was doing, it even made me crack a smile. She looked up at me an a blush tinted her cheeks also. Probably cause I'm staring at her while smiling for the first time.

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