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The next morning I woke up on the sound of the doorbell ringing. I looked behind me and I saw Christian sleeping. I sighed and got up. I stretched a little and walked towards the door,with almost closed eyes. As I was walking I felt a piece of cloth touching my foot, so I looked down, and that's when I realized I was naked. I picked up the cloth, which appeared to be Christian's shirt, and put it on. The doorbell was ringing every few secs making me curse. I button the shirt from the bottom until a point where my breasts aren't completely exposed. My hair is messy AF and my makeup a little off. half of it must be on my pillow...

When I'm "ready" I open the door,still cursing

When I'm "ready" I open the door,still cursing

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(Plus 2 buttons, since there's no bra)

"For fucks sake! " I scream as I open, only to find Christian's lawyer standing there, looking at me with eyes wide open

"Well,well,well, look who's here...waking me up by RINGING THE DOORBELL AS IF WE'RE IN WAR!" I say shouting at the end

"Good morning Alex. I'm sorry for that, but I was worried when no one answered the door the first 2 times I rang the bell..."

"First things first: good morning Mr. Gal. Second: it's Saturday morning, people are sleeping at this hour and, last but not least, What if we weren't here?" I ask frustrated

"I know u weren't out,because Christian told me to come. I'm sorry for waking u up, I thought Christian was gonna be up, since he was waiting for me. And, please,call me George..."

"Yeah, well, feel free to call me Mrs. Navarro..."

"Mrs. Navarro...?" He asks confused

"Yeah,well, I don't know what my husband told u when he asked u to come today, but things changed; we're not getting a divorce anymore. But since u came all the way here, let me offer u a cup of coffee..."I say as I go a little on the side,vletting him come in. He smiles at me thankfully and gets in.

"Sorry for the mess, we were in a gala last night and we came late, and...well, u can figure what happened!"I tell him when I see he's looking down the floor careful not to step on the clothes that are laying there, as I close the door. I take them and put them on the couch, and then I guide him to the kitchen.

"How do u drink it?" I ask with my back turned to him, grabbing the pot from the coffee maker and bringing a mug close

"Black..." He answers and I could swear he is right behind me, so I turn to face him with the full of coffee mug in my hands. I wasn't wrong: He is now standing in front of me, super close, making me stick on the counter behind me

"This is the second time I see u with no clothes on..."He comments biting his lower lip

"Well, u have bad timing! Although lots of people get the chance to see me with no clothes..."I say wittily, trying to look cool, even though inside me my heart is pounding

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