I brought u something...

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Few moments later,we're under the covers cuddling

"I'm really glad u came..."I say,while having my one arm around his waist,my head on his chest and my one leg on his

"I should have come sooner..." He says as he pets my hair with his one hand and my arm with his other

"Maybe, maybe not...I think that it'd be way more difficult to get used to being away from each other for the rest of the tour..."

"Yeah, maybe, but I really feel like something's missing from my everyday life now that u're away..."

"Honey,u have to get used to it...tours are gonna happen,u know...or concerts and stuff. And u might not be able to be with me to all of them..."

"I know, but I'm new to this...give me time..."

"Yeah, of course! And don't think that it's easy for me, I just try not to think about it and enjoy this journey as much as I can, because I'm happy doing what I'm doing...despite all the tiredness, It's all worth it..."

"I'm sure it is,baby, and I know that u love doing that, that's why I'm not complaining!"

"Thank u for supporting me! It means a lot..."

"Are u kidding? Of course I'm supporting u! I love u and I want u to be happy..."

"I am happy..."I say as I get my head up, looking at him smiling. He leans in and we give each other a gentle kiss

"I brought u something!" He says when we break the kiss

"Really? what is it?"I ask impatiently. He gets up and goes to his jacket

"Can I laugh about us still having our socks on or I'll ruin the moment?" I ask as I look at him

"U're free to laugh,baby. And don't forget, u still have your sports bra on... "He says chuckling.

As I laugh a little, he comes back and gets under the covers again, with his back on the headboard. I sit like that too, waiting to see what he got me

"So, are u ready?" He asks

"Yep!" I answer and he gives me a rectangular little box. I open it only to find a key with a Swarovski key chain shaped like a crown

"What is it for? A key to your heart or some shit"I ask jokingly as I take it out of the box

"It could,but no. It's a key to my house..."He answers laughing and I raise my eyes on him with a straight face

"U're... " I start, but I stop

"Yes, I'm asking u to move in with me when u come back..."He replies smiling. I smile too and hug him tightly

"Is that a yes?"He asks wrapping his arms around me

"Of course,dummy!" I answer and he tightens his hug

"God! I thought u'd say no!" He says

"Are u kidding? We almost live together since the 2nd month!"

"Yeah, but only for the night..."

"Because we both work all day!"

Yeah, ok, but some times we're both very tired and we end up sleeping without talking at all..."

"So? We still spend our free time together..."

"Anyway, u said yes after all and now I believe we'll have more time!"

"I guess... we won't have to move from one house to the other to see each other and after the tour, I'll be mostly home! Wait, now that I said home, where's Tiff?"

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