The phone call

190 5 1

9 months later

It's been 1 one month since the DisasterTour has started(Disaster is the name of my album,so the tour has the same name) and it's fantastic. The fans are so great and kind, and I love every single Meet&Greet with them.
I just finished with M&G and go to my dressing room to change and then leave for the hotel I'm staying for a couple of nights. As I get in, I see Danneel who I took with me as my makeup artist and hairstylis, talking on the phone

"Mr.Gal,I told u, I don't know how long it will take! She's in M&G now-oh, there she is! Alex,thank God, he has called 4 times in the last hour!"

"I got it,Dee, thank u..."I say as I go closer. She gives me the phone and sits on a chair, blowing air with relief

"Babe?"I say to him and I hear his relief

"Hey!!"He replies

"Hey...what happened? why did u call me 4 times?? is everything ok?"

"Yeah yeah everything is ok!"


"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure I'd get to wish u goodnight before u fall asleep..."

"We always get to say goodnight! Well,I guess I'll have to tell u good morning tonight,but that's another thing..."

"I know, I just miss u...and we don't have time for a video chat since u're always out..."

"I know, I'm sorry, but it's really hard to do that...I get so little rest and I'm always either on interviews or signing autographs or rehearsing..."

"I know I know...I really miss u!"

"Me too! And I also got my period this morning and I really want a hug...u know, except of Danneel',no offence,Dee..."I say and I look at her at the end. She nods 'no offense' and I get back to George

" u feel?"

"Like crap! Thank god it doesn't hurt; I have taken like 4 painkillers since this morning..."

"God! Be careful with those..."

"I am, it just was so hard because I can barely open my legs and I had to dance...but I pulled it through!"

"That's my girl...and how was M&G?"

"Great! They're all so sweet and many fans cried and I was like the fuck guys? I'm just a woman! It's crazy!! Wish I could stay with them all night..."

"Aww that's so cute...and they're all minors?"

"Look, no, but they're not 40 years old, so don't worry..."

"I didn't say anything..."

"Yeah,but I know u..."

"I know...anyway,I'll let u rest now, we'll talk later..."

"Yes, I'll call u when I'll have a break or something...oh! I forgot to ask is work??"

"Same as always...I have so many dicks for clients!"

"Of course u do, they're all businessmen and feel like they own the world..."

"Exactly! God,I hate them..."

"Haha chill...they're paying u..."

"I know..."

"Ok ok everything is good..."

"It will be when I'll have u in my arms..."

"Soon, baby, soon...for now,the bed wants a hug too..."

"I've never been more jealous of a bed...anyways, good night...have a nice rest!"

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