The dinner(Pt2)

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"Hi..."Jared says almost between his teeth

"Hey..."I say without looking at him. Jensen gets up and goes near him

"Why didn't u tell me u'd come? I would have warned u..."He tells him almost whispering,but Jared has his eyes locked on me.

"I wanted to surprise y'all..."Jared finally says turning his eyes on Jensen

"Well, I guess we were the ones who surprised u..."Jensen replies

"Jared, I can explain..."I say getting up and George wraps his fingers around my wrist

"U have nothing to explain,Alex, u're e not together anymore..."He tells me calmly, looking at me

"He's right, U don't have to explain anything to me...we're broken up..."Jared replies, but he doesn't convince me

"Yes, I do! U wanted to surprise us, but instead u see your nightmares come to life right in front of u...let's go to my room to talk...please?" I explain pulling my wrist from George and going close to Jared

"U know what? It's ok, it was my mistake...I should have called..."He insists 

"Well,u're more than welcome to sit with us if u feel ok..."Sam says

"I don't think I belong on that table..."

"Guys..."George says as he stands up wearing his suit-jacket, making us all turn to look at him

"I'll leave. Apparently, I'm the one who doesn't belong here..."He continues walking towards me

"U don't have to..."Annalise says, but he shakes his head

"Thank u for inviting me. I had a great time and I hope u had one too! Alex, the food was amazing!"He says and walks towards the door. I walk behind him 

"I'm sorry...I-"I start, but he cuts me off by giving me a quick kiss

"It's ok,baby, u didn't do anything...thank u for the lovely evening!" He says smiling weakly and then opens the door

"We'll talk tomorrow?" 

"Sure! Text me when u wake up!"He says and then leaves, closing the door behind him. Few secs later I go back with the others

"So...u and him,huh?"Jared asks

"I didn't want u to find out like that,but's new..."

"I see...Jensen? did u know about it?"

"Nope, she told me about it an hour ago...I was as shocked as u are!"

"Why? Hadn't u seen it coming? Because I had...since the night he found us on our first date, remember,Alex? When I told u he was looking at u deeply..."

"I-I remember, but things were different then..."I reply

"Are u sure? What I heard in that courtroom says otherwise...there was a spark between u too since the day u met and even though everyone could see it,u couldn't...or u were pretending u couldn't..."

"Jared, I'm sorry...I really thought him and I didn't stand a chance!"

"So,u were with me just to make your mind forget about him?"

"No! I loved u! I wanted to be with u! I'd never do that to u..."

"But u did...u were doing it every time u were reassuring me that there's nothing going on between u 2! U were lying...u knew that he had feelings for u,like the whole damn world, and u knew u had feelings too! Or, at least,that u were drawn to him..."

"All I wanted was not to hurt u! I never lied about wanting and loving u..."I explain as my eyes start filling with tears

"Well,sorry,but I find it hard to believe! All I know is that u were lying to me for 6 months...I guess I'm not so crazy,after all! It wasn't just insecurities-my gut was telling me the truth..."

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