Ackles VS Gal(Pt2)

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"Ackles VS Gal

Case number:246861

George Gal: Charged with sexual harassment"

"The prosecution would like to put Alex Ackles on the stand" Annalise says when the judge says we can start, so I get up and get on the stand

"Miss Ackles,can u state your full name please?"

"Alexandra Scarlet Ackles..."

"Thank u. Now can u tell us about your childhood?"

"Of course. I had a lovely childhood? My parents loved me and my brother very much and we were a happy family..."

"Your relationship with your brother? How was it?"

"Excuse me! Relevance?" Jessica asks getting up

"I'll get there in a minute,your honor..."

"I'll allow it. U have 2 more questions,Mrs. Keating..." The judge says and Jessica sits down

"Well,me and my brother were always like best friends. He was always by my side even when I was wrong and for the silliest reason...and we're still like that,of course!"

"That's great! What about friends and boyfriends/girlfriends?"

"I never had many friends, I was a distant person...I only had 2 serious relationships before me and my ex-husband decided to get married..."

"And with that, u're driving me to my next question: How and why did u break up with your last boyfriend, before Christian Navarro?"

"We broke up badly...he was very sweet and kind at first, but the last months of our relationship were like hell for me..."

"Can u elaborate,please?"

"He was abusive...he was hitting me, he didn't want me to go out with my friends and sometimes..."I start but then my voice breaks

"Take your time..."

"Well,sometimes he was raping me..." I say barely holding my tears from dropping

"Was he aware of the action?"

"I guess...He was always trying to calm me down after and justify himself...or he was blaming me for that..."


"He was saying that I'm his girlfriend and that I'm supposed to satisfy his needs, and that if I was a smart girl I would never try to fight it..."

"How old were u then?"


"! Did u ever told anyone?"

"No, but one night I didn't go back home and my brother came looking for me. He found me in my bf's house laying on the floor crying and holding my abdomen. There was blood between my legs and he was nowhere around...he had only left the door open..."

"What had happened that night making him leave u like this?"

"The previous day I had found out that I was pregnant and when I told him he started hitting me and then he stopped for a second,looked at me and said pregnant, huh? I'll make u remember how this happened and then he rapped me once again...but that time it was different; it was like he really wanted to do it! Like he really enjoyed seeing me like that..."I explain with my voice breaking every second word and with tears running down my cheeks. All these memories came to my mind and it was like I was living this again

"Anything else?"

"After that,ñ he kicked me in my stomach a few times and then left..."

"Are there any hospital records?" Annalise asks, but I can't answer. I burst into tears and struggle to breathe. I put my hand on my mouth to minimize the sound of me crying my eyes out and close my eyes"

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