The party: The discussion

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After getting back from my tour,I settled in George's house. It took me a few days to organize my stuff, since I was moving in with no ones help. Jensen was out of town with Danneel and George's leave was over, so he had to go back to work and by the time he was home, it was really late and we didn't wanna waste time fixing anything else instead of spending quality time together. Anyway, today is Saturday and as George is asleep, I'm at Annalise's picking up the last box with my items...

"Are u sure u don't need help? U've been doing everything by yourself for the past week. U should be resting after the tour! I can go wake up Sam..."

"No, no. It's ok! I got it, don't wake him. I used him enough; he was so helpful, bringing me my stuff before going to work every morning...besides,George is available today,so he'll help me anyway. Thank God he gave me his car!"

"Speaking of cars, when are u gonna get your own?"

"I don't know, I'm still trying to get my car from Christian...I won't give up like that!"

"Honey, u gave it to him...legally, u can't take it back!"

"No, but I can make him give it to me!"

"U're so stubborn..."

"Always..."I say as I get the last box in the car and then I get back in the house

"Thank for putting up with me for so long..."

"U're kidding? I'm glad u were here, even though u were spending most of the nights at George's, but when u were here,it was great! I'll sure miss u!"

"Awww...I'll miss u too! I promise to come visit as frequently as I can..."

"U'd better!" He says and we laugh

"So, are u going to the party tonight?"

"First,I don't think so, second, how do u know about it?"

"Its's all over the media,sweetie...U know, it's a big thing, u shouldn't miss it..."

"I know, but Christian's gonna be there, and I don't want things to get weird..."

"Sweetie, if it doesn't get weird tonight, it will get another day...u're both famous and there are gonna be lots of parties with both of u invited! What are u gonna do? Not go to any party ever again?"

"No, u're probably right, but I have nothing to wear..."

"Oh, come on, we're talking about u..."

"Well, I have put on every single party outfit I own, so I have to find something new, but I don't have time...besides, I haven't told George, I'm sure he'll be very tired and won't want to go. Especially now that I haven't given him a heads up..."

"So? Go alone!"

"U're joking,right? It'll be HUGE if I show up alone and I sure as hell don't need this!"

"Alex, I think u're just making up excuses...are u that scared?"

"U know what? Yeah, I am! Because I'm not alone, I have George, and it's getting serious and I don't want to drag him into this pit called showbiz! He has had enough! He spent his vacay on an airplane and watching me do the same routine every day,over and over..."

"Honey, I think that this isn't your problem to solve...he knew what he was getting into when he pursued u!"

"No, he actually didn't...he had no idea what being a celebrity is like and he learned it the hard way!"

"Then u should sit down and talk. U should hear what he really thinks..."

"I know, but I'm afraid I'll hear something that I won't like and..."

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