Ackles VS Gal(Pt3)

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"We'd like to call Danneel Harris to the stand..." She says and Annalise turns to look at me as she sits down

"Do u really trust her to back u up?" She whispers to me, as Danneel goes on the stand and swears to tell the truth

"No, I trust her to answer truthfully to what she'll be asked..." I answer

"Miss Harris,have u met my client before?" Jessica asks her

"We haven't actually met properly..."

"Meaning? Could u explain, please?"

"The first time I saw him he had come to the studio the movie in which Miss Ackles stars shoots most of its scenes..."

"And what did he do there?"

"I didn't hear much because they went to the dressing room and I stayed outside, but I'm sure he was talking to her about taking it easy on the divorce..."

"What do u mean take it easy?"

"Well, since Alex and Christian weren't in good terms, they both wanted it all, so I suppose Mr Gal wanted to persuade Alex to think more practically..."

"I see...what else?"

"I don't think anything else happened...Basically,no, scratch that...I'll take it from the top: Mr.Gal,came asking for her, we got out of the dressing room and went to see him. When he saw her he didn't say right away what he wanted, he first mentioned something about her appearance..."

"And what was that?"

"I don't think it's relevant..."

"Let us decide that..."

"Ok then...He mentioned some bruises on her face and body..."


"Objection! Irrelevance!" Annalise says when I jog her arm, because I don't want this to get out

"Withdrawn! After that mention?"

"They went to her dressing room to talk in private..."

"Did u hear anything?"

"Yes, I heard that he told her that he wants to reason Mr. Navarro and that he can't do that if both sides can't act civilized. Not with those exact words, but that was the point. He practically was asking her to back off so he could persuade Mr. Navarro to ask only what he could really get, without going to court..."

"That was the point or what u understood..."

"No, it was the point because Alex was surprised he didn't push her to give up on everything...he wanted to calm the tension between them..."

"Why do u think he did that?"

"I guess because he wanted to get done with the whole thing..."

"Alright...anything else?"

"No, just that..."

"Ok...when he mentioned her bruises,what did he say?"

"He asked her how she got them and told her that she should report it..."

"And why do u think he asked her?"

"I don't know..."

"Was it concern?"

"Could be..."

"So he could care for her..."


"No further questions,your honor"Jessica says and goes to sit. Annalise gets up and goes to Danneel

"Miss Harris, tell us about your relationship with Miss Ackles..."

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