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2 weeks later

It's Saturday night and I'm at George's house. He's coming back tonight, so I have taken care of my stuff so I can leave when he' back. Alexander is with me waiting to take me home. As we wait, we sit on the couch talking

"Did he tell u what time he's gonna be here?"

"No, I just know that he'll be here tonight because he has to be in court in the morning..."

"I see...I'm getting a little bored u know..."He says rubbing my thigh

"Forget it,Viking...told u I'm not doing anything on anything he owns!" I tell him putting his hand away

"Fine, I'll wait till we're outta here. Maybe we could spend the night together...u know, without making me leave after sex!"

"Not again,Alexander, we've talked about it so many times! Spending the night together after sex,changes things and I don't want that!" I scold him

"Ok, u don't have to be a bitch about it..." He replies looking offended

"I'm just tired of explaining this to u! I know u can't understand, but please respect it! I don't need the loving, so don't make it something...Oh, that's a nice lyric, I'll write it down!" I say and then take ly phone out to write it

"But why? We have so much fun together! We watch movies,we go to nice places...why can't we make it official?"

"Because I don't wanna! And the only reason we're having fun is that there are no strings attached. Otherwise, trust me, we wouldn't be like that...I'm a control freak and I get jealous and I'm pretty bossy, and u are a man who can't take instructions about doing shit. So this way,I can control my life and not worry about u finding someone better and breaking my heart...I feel free!"

"U know what? I'm done! I can't do this anymore...I wanted u since the day u walked into that motherfucking studio and the director introduced us! I backed off when I learned u were married. When I heard u were getting a divorce I tried to reach to u, but u shut me down. Then, u got into a relationship with Jared, I backed off again and I thought that having u in the movie was all I could get, so I started living with that. Then u left the movie and they brought me a shitty little slut! I tried...hell I tried so hard to stay in character,but she wasn't u! We didn't have any chemistry,so I left too. And just when I decided to move on, because u seemed so goddamn happy with Jared, I run into u in the street and u tell me u have broken up with him,so I thought this is my chance! And we went out and we had a blast., and then u dropped me the bomb: I want u to know that I'm not looking for anything serious. u said...and then I said to myself I'm ok with that, even though I was hoping to make u change your mind after seeing how great we were together. But u never did and I can't do this anymore...I don't know why u want to look like a cold-hearted bitch with no feelings-or, u know what? maybe u are! but I'm not judging u, because u've been through hell..." He says getting up from the couch and starting moving around the house. When he finishes I stand up too

"Well,this is who I am now! I'm done with feelings...I'm a cold-hearted bitch and u're free to go if u can't handle that. I told u before, I don't need u! I was crystal clear about that from the start! All I needed was someone who could give me what I wanted and u said u were fine with that..."

"I'm not anymore! I'm a feminist, so I don't judge u for only wanting sex,since u are free to do whatever u want with your body, but when what u do hurts others, it's bad...and u're hurting me"

"That's not my fault! U were ok with it!"

"I wasn't! I tried to be so I could have u, but every time I understand that I'm a sex-machine for u, it hurts like hell..."

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