The photo

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The next couple of months passed quietly. I adjusted perfectly in my new life in George's house and our relationship is going great. I feel like I'm starting a new chapter in my life that gives me more power and makes me feel better with myself. When October started, I started looking for a job, practicing what I studied for this time. I think it's time for me to start doing good and to practice my actual field of study. Now, with George's help, I'm working for the D.A's office, evaluating the state of mind of the prisoners that seem to have psychological problems. It's been only 2 weeks since I started, so I don't have any problems. The good thing with this job, is that I'm not supposed to be there all the time, but only when I'm needed, so I get to be relaxed and free most of the day.

Of course George is working like a motherfucker, so he doesn't have the same energy with me, but being home when he comes back from work is a plush. Today, I only had to be at the police station for a couple of hours, so I decided to go shopping after work. When I came home, I cooked and waited until George came from work. After taking a shower, he came to the kitchen, where I had served the food

"Everything ok at work today?"I ask him

"As usual, u?"He replies without raising his eyes on me

"Good...They brought a sociopath. I started my evaluation, but I need to continue tomorrow..."

"Ok...and what did u do when u finished?"

"Oh! Thank u for reminding me; I went shopping! I got a fabulous pair of boots. U're gonna love them!" I reply excited


"Yeah! I'd tell u if I was with someone else, but my friends were busy to their actual jobs that need them present from 9 to 5, like normal people, so I went alone..."

"Ok...then how u explain the fact that there is a photo of u and Christian walking together?" He asks calmly, raising his eyes on me,finally. I freeze with the fork ready to enter my mouth

"What?"I ask confused

"Yeah, there is a photo of u and Christian walking together with the caption Truce or...?"

"U're kidding, right?"

"Nope! Let me show u..."He says leaving his fork down and taking his phone of his sweatpant's pocket. He unlocks the phone and looks for the photo. When he finds it, he turns the screen to me. When I see the photo,I widen my eyes

"This is fake! Baby, I swear! I never met with Christian!"

"And how did this get out?"

"I have no idea! It's clearly a photoshop! I can tell u exactly what I was doing this exact moment! And if it was true, do u think I'd be so stupid to do it so publicly or to give my consent for this to get out? I think u know me better than that..."

"U have to give your consent for photos to go public?"

"I can to photos that will go public like that-on an article and stuff. To the ones that are taken by illegal photographers who upload them on the internet from encrypted IPs, I can't do shit about it..."

"I-I didn't know that..."He says,looking down

"Well,now u know...I can't believe u actually thought that this is true!"

"I'm sorry, but what would u do if u saw something like that with an ex of mine? Without knowing that they need your consent to publish it..."

"U're right...Well,I'll look into it tomorrow! I'm sure Christian is behind this...for now, though,I have to make a 'public statement'. of course it will mean shit, but I have to do it..."I say getting up

"Wait, let's eat first! What's done is won't hurt if u finish your meal first. I'm sure u haven't eaten anything since last night..."He says, grabbing me softly from my wrist as I pass by him, making me stop and turn to look at him. He looks at me smiling shyly

"My appetite went for a walk now..."I comment

"Ok, then just sit and watch me eat. U'vedone it plenty of times..."He replies pulling me to sit on him. I roll my eyes smiling and sit on his lap

"U're a pain in the ass..."I tell him playfully as he takes a bite

"But u love me..."

"I do, goddamit! And u're so darn cute right now with your full of food cheeks..."I comment making him roll his eyes

"This is so creepy,though...watching someone eat or sleep..."

"It's not my fault u're cute when u eat and sleep..."

"Jesus..."He replies shaking his head. Until he's finished, he has managed to feed me some food too.

The next day, as promised, I went to the press that released the photo to find out what has happened.

"Where the fuck is your publisher?"I ask when I step my foot in the reception, with a look that could kill if possible

"10th floor..."The receptionist answers scared with wide eyes

"I like u!"I tell her and I start walking to the elevators. When I'm on the right floor, I start searching for the publisher's office. When I find it, I open the door without knocking

"Are u the one who published the fake photo of me and Christian Navarro yesterday?"I ask him angrily with my index pointed at him

"Yes, I am, why?"He answers confused

"Why? Because I didn't give my consent for this photo to get uploaded, that's why!"

"Well, your husband told me that u were ok with it getting uploaded when I called him after I got the photo from an anonymous tip..."

"1st, he is my ex-husband. 2nd, u just took his word?"

"He told me u were right beside him and that u were saying yes..."

"Well, I have news for u,dummie: u either take down the photo saying it's photoshopped, since it is, or see u in court..."

"U can't take me in court, I have your consent..."

"U're so stupid...NO, U FUCKING DON'T! U only have Christian's consent and him saying that I'm ok with it. And as long as u didn't hear me saying that I consent, I can easily take u in court, so choose..."

"Fine! I'll take it down and I'll explain that it was a misunderstanding..."

"No, u'll explain that it is photoshopped!"

"Ok! I'm sorry for the inconvenience..."

" time check your tips and make sure u hear both sides!" I say leaving his office.

When I'm at the reception again, I stand on the side to call Annalise

"Hey, I was about to call u too! I just saw-" She starts, but I cut her off

"Yeah, I know, I just took care of it..."

"What happened? Are u and George ok??"

"Yeah! George and I are perfect. I explained to him that the photo is fake..."

"Who would do something like that?"

"Christian, of course..."

"Are u sure?"

"Well, I'll find the hell out, but for now I want u to sue his sorry ass for saying to the publisher that I was right beside him and said that I'm ok with the photo to be uploaded. There is a phone call between the 2 of them that we can use as evidence..."

"Ok. Want me to file it before that or u want me to find out if he sent the photo to the press, so u can sue him for slanderous defamation, as well?"

"Wait until I find out..."

"Ok, keep me posted..."She says and we hang up...

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