Time Flies

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The next day, after leaving from an evaluation, I get a text from Annalise to meet her on the cafe across the street,so that's what I do

"Good morning!"I tell her smiling and she gets up smiling too

"Good morning! U're in a good mood..."She replies as we hug

"Why wouldn't I?"I ask her as we pull away and sit across each other

"Considering that u were sick 2 days ago,we have the thing with Christian,the D.A. is pissing u off..."

"Well, I have things that overshadow all these..."I say as I stretch my left arm to her,showing her the ring

"Oh my God, he proposed? When?"She asks taking my hand to get a closer look on the ring

"2 nights ago! And that's not all...are u comfortable on your seat?"

"I guess..."She answers leaving my hand

"I'm pregnant..." I say and she gasps,with her hand on her mouth

"U're gonna be a mom?"She asks smiling wide

"I will! and u will be antie Annie..."I say and she gets up,comes to me and hugs me tight

"I'm so happy for u!! And Sam will be thrilled..."She says when she sits back down

"I know! I was planning on coming to your house after work to tell u both,but since u're here...BTW,what are u doing here?"

"Well, I came to tell u about our case...do u really wanna talk about it now?"

"Yes! We have 8 months to celebrate my pregnancy...so, what's up?"

"His lawyer convinced him to sit for a deposition instead of going straight on trial, so this deposition is tomorrow...do u think they'll let u come?"

"I don't think so...I told the HR about my pregnancy and the D.A found out and they really don't like it, so I have to be really careful...can u go alone? I'll tell u my requests. But don't say anything until they propose something! Just notify me about it and I'll tell u if I like it or not...and don't say a word about my pregnancy! Oh! and if they offer money,tell them I'm not interested in money and then tell them what I want..."

"Ok then... and I'm sure about what u want: a public statement that he photoshopped the photo and published it to harm your relationship and your reputation just like he thinks u did, and admitting that it was his fault that u got divorced. U also want restraining orders and your car back...right?

"You know me so well..."

Annalise's P.O.V.

The next morning, I'm at the conference hall waiting for Christian and his lawyer. When they come,we sit down

"Where's your client, Mrs. Keating?"His lawyer asks

"Unfortunately she wasn't able to come,due to her being needed at work..."

"Is that so? Or is she avoiding my client?"

"Even if it was that, which isn't, it's none of your business...can we start? I have other depositions today, the world doesn't revolve around your client..."I answer opening my files

"Alright then...I'll get to the chase: we can offer u $10.000..."

"10 thous-oh God, are u seriously that ignorant, Mr. Navarro? Do u think that she wants money? Don't u know her at all? U almost ruined her relationship and reputation and u think money will make it all go away?"

"He didn't almost ruin anything! If her partner doesn't trust her, it's their problem,not my client's... and the reputation thing is irrelevant..."

"If u saw a photo of your wife with one of her exes,what would u think, Mr. Caldor? And, of course, reputation isn't irrelevant; people would hate on her if they thought she is a cheater! U are a celebrity, Mr. Navarro, u know these things better...look what the divorce did to u...don't u have more haters now?"

"Stop addressing to my client personally, Mrs. Keating. And what the hell does your client want anyway if not money? My client's head on a silver plate?"

"Don't be so drammatic, Mr. Caldor...her requests are simple and logical; a public statement, restraining orders, a written statement that he will not bother my client or her closed circle ever again and the Audi Q5...that's all!"

"A public statement saying what?"

"That he fabricated the photo,sent it to the publisher and then lied about my client having consent on it going public,with the intention to harm her relationship and career,because he thinks she did that to him with the divorce,but he now understands that he brought it to himself with his behavior towards her and that he is deeply sorry to cause all that inconvenience..."

"If u think I'm going to say those things,u're both crazy! She can have the car,the written statement and the restraining orders,that I really can't have a say on,but I'm not admitting anything! The whole point of this deposition is to not go public, and u want me to take it public on my own? No way..." Christian says

"Alright then,we'll see you in court..." I say as I close my files and get ready to leave

"Wait..."His lawyer says getting up and I turn to look at him

"Give us a few hours to think about it...."He continues

"Our offer stands for 24 hours..."I say and leave. When I'm at my office, I text Alex what happened, reassuring her that they'll take the offer until midnight. Indeed, few hours later, his lawyer calls me and tells me that they accept the offer

Alex's P.O.V

The next few weeks after Christian accepted the deal, were good. He didn't bother us, except from a letter he sent to me saying that he was gonna go back to Puerto Rico and whising us the best from now on

After a couple of months,while me, George, Jensen, Danneel, Annalise and Sam were out for dinner, Jensen proposed to Danneel. They didn't waste any time, meaning that 5 months later, on June, they got married. I was Danneel's maid of honor and Jared was Jensen's best man. The ceremony was wonderful. I wasn't able to fully enjoy the after party, since I was 8 months pregnant and I could barely move, but I was very happy for them and that was enough.

The next month, I gave birth a week earlier than the due date, since I had a placental abruption in the middle of the night. They had to perform a c-section, but they sedated me in order to stop the bleeding

When I wake up, I find George on an arm chair with our son in his hands. I smile weakly without saying anything. When he looks at me he smiles back and gets up

"Hey, sleepy head..." He says playfully coming close

"Shut u, I almost died..." I reply, matching his tone

"I know...They were the worst 5 hours of my life! How are u feeling?"

"Sleepy... I'm sure it's gonna hurt like hell in a few hours! How's he?"I ask looking at our son eagerly

"He is wonderful! They told me u're about to wake up, so they brought him to me... They'll come any minute now to check u out and show u how to feed him"

"Good... Give him to me!" I say stretching my hands to him

"Are u sure? Do u feel strong enough?"

"I guess. But I'm kinda afraid... Just come sit next to me, I wanna see him... Did u tell them the name?"

"No, I wanted u to wake up first... Are we still going with our fathers' names?" He asks as he sits on the bed

"Yeah! I mean, If u want to... We can find something else if u want, but we have to think fast..."

"No, no I'm totally OK with that!"

"Good! Then Michael Robert Gal, it is..." I say smiling as I strock his tiny hand. Michael was George's father and Robert mine.

Few secs later, the doctor and the midwife come. When they see everything is ok, the midwife helps me feed Michael. In the meanwhile, Jensen and Danneel come running from their honey moon, since they had one week left

When I feed the baby they take him away and I fall asleep, while George goes home to rest, since he was up long before we had to go to the hospital, because I had some aches. Before I fall asleep, Annalise called George and told him that she was on her way to the hospital

When I woke up again, 2 hours later, Jensen, Danneel, Annalise and Sam were there...

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