I missed you

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3 days later, I'm on stage performing my last song for tonight called Consequences. I still haven't spoken with George. He keeps calling and stuff, but I just text him saying that I'm ok and that I just haven't found time to relax and think what happened though.

"So, guys, Our night comes to an end...I'll give u one more song that, as I've heard, many of u identify with it, so please, sing it with me!" I say before starting and after sitting on a stool, the music starts playing and I start singing. At the end of the song I break down and just let the crowd finish the song...

"I'm so sorry for that...thank u all for coming tonight! I'll be waiting u at M&G in some minutes. Love u all" I say when I manage to pick myself up and go backstage

"Hey, are u ok?" Danneel asks giving me a tissue

"I'm good, I just miss George and this song really hit me, but, I'll be ok..." I answer as we walk towards the dressing room for me to change. After I change, we go to the M&G for like 2 hours or so. During the ride back to the hotel, Danneel  is texting like crazy

"Are u talking with my brother?"

"What? Uhm...yes, yes! We haven't spoken today and he got worried..."

"Oh...I bet George has gone crazy too..."

"Sure thing! But why aren't u talking with him? I mean, It's been 3 days...and it's really idiotic of u not to talk to him because of an intern!"

"It's not that, I'm kinda afraid to talk to him after the 'I love u' incident..."

"Jeez...are u still afraid of that? Girl, I'm telling ya, he'll definitely say it back! I bet he wanted to say it long ago too, but u're both such idiots!"She says,yelling at the end

"Tense much?"

"Yeah, sorry, Too much caffeine..."

"Ok then..."I say and for the rest of the ride,we're silent...

When we arrive at the hotel, we take the elevator to go to our suite. When we're outside the door, Danneel gives me the card to open 

"I forgot my phone at the van, brb!" She tells me

"Be careful! It's late!"I reply almost whispering, since it's really late, and then I open the door. When I open it I step inside and put it in a case on the wall to open the lights without looking in the room. After that, I close the door and turn to walk further in the room, when I hear a noise from the bedroom. I take a gun I have stuck under a small table there is beside the door and load it, walking slowly towards the room

"Put your hands where I can see them!"I say strictly at a man I see in there with his back turned

"Baby, don't shoot,It's me!"George tells me turning his body to me with his hands on either side of his head

"Shit! George, u scared the crap out of me!" I say putting the gun down after unloading it

"Didn't know u had it with u..."He says resting his arms and coming closer

"It's not the only one in the room;I have a license for a reason...what are u doing here anyway?"

"I missed u and we haven't talked much these few days..."

"I know...what about your job?"I ask him taking my shoes off

"I took a couple of days off; I'm the managing partner after all, I can take some days off..."

"I see...how come didn't u take them sooner? 2 days ago, for example..."

"I had a case. I couldn't leave it in the middle..."

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