The First Night

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"Hello, Alex. I'm-" The man behind me starts saying smiling,but I cut him off

"Ewan McGregor!" I yell excited

"Yes..." he says chuckling

"I'm a huge fan! I've seen all your movies twice and some of them even more than that... Can-Can I hug u?"I ask eagerly going closer

"Of course!" he replies smiling opening his arms and I immediately crush on him, wrapping my arms around him tightly, as he hugs me too with his one hand resting on my back and the other on my rib

"I think I dag my own grave by bringing him, but when Victor told me he knew him, I knew I had to..." George says, making me let go of Ewan and turn to him

"Baby, I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to see him! I've never got the chance to meet him..." I apologize

"I know, I'm joking..."He says coming close and gives me a kiss on the head. Then I turn back to Ewan

"Thank you so much for coming! I bet u had more important things to do..." I tell him kindly

"I really didn't... Víctor is a good friend and when he told me that his brother is getting married with a woman who is like my biggest fan, I really couldn't say no!"

"That's so kind of u! I don't know if I'm your biggest fan, but after I saw you playing in Angels and Demons, I think I kinda fell in love with u..."

"Now that u mention it, Víctor told me u are a big fan of Dan Brown..."

"I am! Did u meet him while filming?"

"I actually did! He came a few times to see how the movie was going and to point out some details that he thought might be right to consider, but that's not what I wanted to mention; What I was saying is that I brought u a copy of Angels and Demons, signed by Dan Brown himself..."

"U're kidding... "

" I'm not. And I could get u in touch if u want, I'm sure u have a lot to ask him!"

"Damn straight I do! Oh my God, I never thought u'd actually be that kind and thoughtful in real life..." I say and he chuckles

"Why is that?"

"Well, They say that when u meet your idols the whole idea u have for them is like... gone, because they never are what u thought. And also your daughter has made u look like a monster, So..."

"Well, I'm not a monster...I'm just a human being, caught up in the Hollywood drama. Ok, I'm not a saint, of course, but a monster? No..."

"I can see that and I'm very sorry for what u're going through! Must be really hard..."

"It is... But today is your day and if your husband allows me to, I wanna say that u are stunning! I've seen your movies,but I never thought u'd look so pretty in real life! And so timid..."

"Truth is, it's not me being timid now; It's me being respectful and reserved, since I just met u. But I know what u mean, I was always naked in my movies..."

"I know... And when I heard that u stepped out of a movie because u were feeling exposed for no reason, I was so mad at the director and so proud of u! Not many women do that..."

"Proud? Oh my God, It gets better..." I say and we laugh. As we laugh, Victor comes close

"Sorry to interrupt guys, I know it's a special time, but Michael just woke up..." he says after greeting Ewan

"He woke up? That's strange... Anyway, Ewan, u have to meet him!"

"I'd be glad to..." He says and then we go to get Michael. 

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