I have questions for you...

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"Baby?" I shout as I get in the house. When I get no answer, I start searching the house, but when I see that he is not there I call him. I call him a few times but he doesn't pick up. Assuming he is at the gym, I stop calling and start doing some chores around the house with music on.
At some point, as I'm in the kitchen with my head in the oven scrabbing it, I feel 2 hands touching my waist and I flinch, hitting my head on the edge of the upper side of the oven

"Ouch!" I scream and put my free hand on my head

"Oops! Sorry, babe!" Christian says kneeling down close to me

"WTF Christian?" I ask pissed and with pain written all over my face

"I'm sorry,baby! Since u didn't hear me calling your name over the music I wanted to surprise u..."

"Couldn't u just wait until I stick my head out of the oven?"

"I didn't think about it, are u ok?"

"No! Bring me some ice!" I say as I get up,take the plastic gloves off of my hands and sit on one of the chairs. He brings me ice and I put it on my head

"What were u doing in there anyway?" He asks

"I was cleaning it! We clean it, u know, every now and then!"

"Why don't we hire a housekeeper?"

"I've told u before! I'm not putting a stranger in my house! And u know that I'd be a real bitch!"

"Oh, come on, u prefer getting extra tired and waste your free time doing chores?"

"I'd waste less time if u were helping me..."

"U know that I'm not doing chores..."

"Maybe u should start...u have to help me around the house! U live here too..."

"Fine, I'll cook from now on and I will do the laundry..."

"That's a start...and once a month U'll help me do the whole house!"

"Ugh! Fine!"

"Thank u...where were u?"

"At the gym..."

"U don't look sweaty..." I ask suspiciously

"I took a shower there..."

"Your hair isn't wet..."

"I blowdried it..."

"Aha...and where are your gym clothes?"

"I forgot them there..."

"Ok then...well, excuse me but I need to continue..." I say as I get up and putting the gloves back on

"Hey... leave it..." He replies coming closer.

"I can't leave it like that, the thing I put in there to clean it will destroy it!"

"We'll buy another one!" He says and then grabs me by my neck and starts kissing me. I roll my eyes as I continue the kiss. He then picks me up and puts me on the table. I take off my gloves again and open my legs for him to get in between...

A month later

I'm still playing the good wife by doing him all the favors. In the meantime, I'm doing research on his relationship with George, but still nothing. So, instead of hunting shadows, I decide to go see George and get information from the inside.

I wait until Christian leaves for work and then I get up and start dressing. I canceled today's script-reading, so I'm free all day. Well, at least until Christian comes back...

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