The talk

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"This was way better than what I was expecting! How many times did u finish?" He asks curiously

"3, but don't tell any of my ex's, they'll get jealous..." I answer playfully and he chuckles

"So,u're telling me this is the best sex u ever had?" he asks proudly

"I didn't say that!"

"No...your multiple orgasms did!"

"Shut up..." I reply and he laughs as I move to get up

"Hey! Where are u going?" He asks sadly

"Home! it's late..." I answer fixing my skirt

"Spend the night, don't leave me alone..."

"George,I'm sorry, we talked about this like half an hour ago..."

"That doesn't mean u can't stay..."

"Yes,it does! Staying means there's something more...and u begging me to stay, was the reason I didn't want us to have sex in the first place..."

"It's late,Alex, I'm not letting u go...if u don't want to sleep in the same bed with me,sleep in the guest room, just stay in the house and tomorrow u're free to go..."

"Ugh...fine! But don't get your hopes up..." I agree pointing my finger at him

"I won't..." He says and gets up. He pulls his boxers up and takes off his pants and shirt entirely

"Good night then...and don't u make me breakfast in the morning!" I warn him

"Fine, just coffee! If u leave after me,just make sure u locked the door..."

"Ok...good night, and thank u..."

"For what?"

"For listening and giving me advice and, u know..."I explain winking at the end

"'s the first time I'm being thanked for sex!"

"I think u should take more credit, it was great..." I tell him winking again and after picking up my bra,I go to the guest room.
He locks the door,puts the alarm and goes to his bedroom

The next morning I woke up at around 10. I had a shower and after getting dressed,I went to the kitchen. Tiff came running and meowing to me

"Good morning pretty girl! " I tell her as I lower myself to pet her. When I get back up, I pour some coffee and see a note beside the coffee maker

"There are pancakes in the oven...
Good morning! "

I read it and smile. Then I open the over and get them out.

When I'm finished with breakfast,I call a cab and when it comes I lock the door and leave...

Half an hour later I'm at Annalise's house. I get in and go to my room to put my stuff back to their place. As I empty my suitcase, I hear footsteps coming towards my room

"Look who's back!" Sam, Annalise's husband, says smiling as he stands at the door of the room

"Hey!I didn't know u'd be here at this hour!"I reply smiling back and going to hug him

"Well,I dodn't have class today and I decided to stay home instead of going to my are u?" He asks as we hug

"Well,I really don't know,Sam...things are complicated again..." I answer and he pulls away to look at me

"Wanna talk about it?"

"As friends or as therapist-patient?"

"As u want...both are good!"

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