Knowledge is power

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George's P.O.V

After Alex left,I went back to the firm's floor and then straight to Harvey's office. I stormed inside and closed the door behind me

"Why so furious?" Harvey asks without taking his eyes from the files he's reading

"I'll tell u why...are those Alex's files?" I ask him kinda pissed

" your tone 2. no! this,is none-of-your-business' files..."

"What was she doing here?"

"She needs help with something..."

"With what? Why did she come to u?"

"I can't tell u with what, attorney-client privilege... and she came to me, because she doesn't wanna bother Annalise. Now,get out of my office..."

"I can't decide if u're stupid, for believing this excuse or for believing that I'm such a fool, that I don't understand that u're both lying to me!"

"Maybe u are stupid for thinking that this isn't true..."

"Look Harvey, Annalise is like family to her, so I don't think she would want anyone to handle something personal for her, other than someone she trusts...for that matter, I believe that coming to u because she doesn't want to bother Annalise,is a bullshit excuse!"

"Well,I don't know about that, all I know is that she handed me a valid case and I have some spare time to work on it, and she said it's important for her and I kinda understand why and I really wanna help her! So, if u don't mind,let me do that..."

"Harvey, she's bullshiting u! What she brought to u may not even be true! She just wants to get on my nerves..."

"Well, for all I know, she wants to fucking avoid u..."

"If she did, she wouldn't come to u, she'd find another one! Or she'd ask u to meet her elsewhere..."

"Stop! U're being paranoid! Can u imagine what would happen if paparazzi saw her with a well-known lawyer outside? I mean, rumors fly!"

"And u know that how...???"

"Because I do. Now, take your fucking ego and get the hell out of my office before I snap! And if it comes to my attention that u're getting involved in my case,u're done!"

"Why can't we just work together? If it's really that important,u'll need help..."

"Because she asked me to involve as less people as possible, and she specifically told me not to let u know..."

"I don't get it,u know..."I say changing my tone and sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk

"Actually,no, I don't know..."

"I mean, why would she come to u? I mean, practically, u were her ex-husband's lawyer..."

"No, u were! I just assisted on your behalf. U were his lawyer, and I think here's your answer to your question..."

"She indeed told me she didn't trust me...u think it's because she thinks that I'd go tell Christian?"

"Well, maybe she thinks that Christian would try to get involved if he learned u're representing her..."

"Yes, but he could reach u too!"

"Not that easily...I just attended there with the divorce papers...we barely said one word, so, no..."

"U're right! So, she wants an outsider...someone who is good, but not reachable to Christian..." I say more like thinking out loud


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