The dinner...

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The next morning, I woke up by my phone ringing. I got up, put on the first thing I found and went to the living room to get it. Of course, it had stopped by the time I got it out of my purse. I saw that it was Annalise, so I called her back.

"Good morning!" She says when she picks up

"Good morning..." I reply in a sleepy voice

"Were u sleeping?" She asks confused



"Well, remember the task Sam gave me?"

"Oh, yes!" "

"Yesterday I spent the day with George, he was the 3rd person I had chosen..."

"Oh, oh, yes, I remember u telling me about it, but what's that- Alex? Did u...?

"I did..."

"And u let him stay after?"

"Well, it's a long story, but yes, he's still sleeping..."


"I know, but we talked and I decided to give him a chance..."

"Ok, but that's not the reason I cursed; I'm actually kinda happy about your decision..."

"Oh...then what?"

"I kinda invited Jensen for dinner..."

"But u're away..."

"We're coming back, so I thought about inviting him over. That's why I called u, I wanted to ask u if u could find something to make..."

"Sure I can, but it's rude to tell him to leave after making love last night..."

"U made love?"she asks surprised, kinda yelling

"Yes! And it was so great! I felt like a virgin..."

"We'll discuss this another time, for now, u can invite him too, I don't mind..."

"Yes, but what if Jensen brings Jared with him?"

"He won't, he told me that he feels a little sick..."

"Ok then, I'll tell him...when are u gonna be here?" I ask her as I get my phone off my ear to look at the time

"In 4-5 hours, we haven't started yet..." She answers and I put the phone back on my ear

"Ok then, I'll figure something out..."

"Ok, sweetie, I'll see u soon..." She says and we hang up. I leave my phone on the table in front of the couch and after picking up our clothes from the floor, I get back in the room

"There u are..." He says when he sees me, and lifts his torso to rest on his elbows, smiling sleepily

"Of course! Where would I be?" I ask him as I go closer

"I thought u ran away when u woke up and realized that I spent the night with u in my arms..."

"I could, but no, I heard my phone ringing so I went to pick it up..." I explain, sitting beside him

"I know, I heard u..." He says smiling and turns his body to rest on his one elbow, looking at me

"Aren't u in a good mood?" I ask, smiling too

"Why wouldn't I be? I made love with a beautiful, smart and strong woman, slept with her all over me and I woke up hearing her voice..." He explains reaching for my cheek

"Oh shut up! U're making me blush... " I say turning my head away, biting my lip

"I'm just saying what I see! And don't u hide your face from me...please..." He says leaving his hand drop on the bed and I turn to look at him

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