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The next day we both get up early to go to our jobs, and since we're leaving at the same time, George drives me to my work

"I think it's time to buy another car...we're gonna need an extra! I can give u that one if u're only comfortable driving a Q5 and I will buy another one..."He says

"Nuh...I'll get my car back eventually!"

"Wanna explain to me again why u don't want to buy another car? And why did u let him have it on the first place?"

"I don't know...I just wanted everything to be over fast! Now I regret it...and I only want that car just to piss him off! Of course I can buy a new one, but just give me some time...if after the trial for the lawsuit I still don't have my old car back,I'll get a new one, I promise..."

"U can just ask him nicely..."

"Who are u and what did u do to my fiancé?"

"Oh, come on! I wanna smash his face as much as u do but sometimes talking and asking nicely gets u further..."

"I know, I taught u that, but after the lawsuit? Please...he won't even listen!"

"Fine, do what u want, but after the trial, we're getting a new car...when is the trial anyway?"

"Don't know yet..."

"I'll see if I can speed it up..."

"No, Annalise's got it. I'll let u know if we have any problem..."

"Fine..."He says as he pulls over to drop me off. We kiss and I get out. As I'm walking in, I get a phone call from Jensen

"Good morning, u're up early..."I tell him when I pick up

"I have an early are u?"

"Great! George just dropped me off at work and I'm meeting with an inmate in half an hour, but I gotta go meet with HR, so speed it up..."

"Ok, I'll be it still on for tonight?"

"Shit, I forgot to ask George...but, yeah, count us in! We have some news we want to share anyway and we actually talked about having dinner, so, sure, tonight is perfect! "

"Ok then...good news?"

"The best u've heard...."

"I'm glad! And something else: would u be interested in having a small part on the show? An episode or 2, not much..."

"Are u serious? Yes, I'd love to!"

"Great! Can u be here at the studio after work? And then we can go home together. I'll take a quick shower and then we'll have dinner..."

"Sure, yeah, I'll let George it ok if I'm there at around 5?"

"Yep, great!"

"Good. Anyway, gotta go, see u at u!"

"Love u too" He says and we hang up...

On my lunch break I call George to tell him about tonight and after work I take a cab for the studio. When I get there I run into Jared

"H!" he says looking surprised

"Hi... Ho-how are u? Long time no see..." I reply nervously

"Yeah... I'm good, thanks! How are u?"

"I'm good too! Is Jensen here? He told me to come after work..." I say scratching the top of my head with my left hand

"Oh! U're here for the part...yeah he's here! In the dressing room... Want me to go get him?"

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