Food for thought...

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"So let me get this straight..." Jensen starts, after I explain to him what has happened since last night

"U made up with Christian, but he lushed out about Jared, after he asked u to give your marriage a second chance...and on top of that, u got his lawyer to hit on u so bad, that he almost fucked u and now u're here..." He continues looking confused as hell

"Yes. And, when I got out of the house and while I was ready to call u, George got out too and told me that I made the wrong call... I mean,what does this even mean? Did Christian tell him something?"

"Oh come on Alex, he's probably doing this for money... He wants u to move forward with the divorce so he can get a big fat check!"

"If it was like that,he wouldn't hit on me that hard..."

"I don't know, but let's stick at what we know..."


"Meaning,what are u gonna do with Christian?"

"Nothing, what do u mean?"

"Don't play dumb! I'm talking about the Jared part...u can't have him telling u that he wants another chance and few hours later making a scene about your brother's best friend! Like what? Like he should disappear after your hook up? He's always gonna be around!"

"Oh! Yes, I don't know,Jens, but I don't wanna leave him...last night I remembered how good I feel when I'm with him!"

"No,last night u felt his dick in your stomach!" He says pissed


"Don't Jensen me! U know that sex is your weak spot! And he knows that too...and he was counting on that!"

"That has nothing to do with that! I've know him for 12 years. We've been through so much together, I'm not gonna throw this away just like that..."

"I'd believe u if u weren't discussing the divorce terms a month ago...what changed?"

"I-I don't know..."

"You have to know,'s your life we're talking about!"

"I know! Don't pressure me!"

"I'm not pressuring u, I'm trying to help u understand that nothing changed in just one night! If it wasn't for your moment last night, u would be at your lawyer's office now, not here...being here,means u are confused!"

"Truth is, I can't get the image of me and George in the kitchen,this morning...God! If only u could see the look on his face! And when Christian was kissing me and I had my eyes open looking at him sitting there and sipping his coffee..."

"What the actual fuck with this guy? Doesn't he have ethics or something?? He just hits on married women? Especially on his friend's wife??"

"Oh, come on...He's a lawyer! He is a cocky son of a bitch! They have no ethics..." I say sipping on my coffee

"Why do u hate them that much?"

"Because,they do anything just to win a case! They lie, they cheat, they fabricate things...they defend criminals! What ethical creature does that? I'll tell u, NONE!"

"Yeah, ok, but this guy is a divorce attorney, what unethical thing could he do?"

"He Isn't a divorce attorney,he's a corporate lawyer..."

"How do u know that?"

"I searched him..."

"U searched him, I see..." He says smirking

"Don't judge me!"

"I don't! It's just...weird!"

"No it's not! I wanted to know who I'm up against..."

"Bullshits! U liked him since he came to your dressing room!"

"Who told u that?"

"Who do u think?"

"Danneel? Ugh! I'll kill her!"

"U won't do shit to her!"

"Wait, since when do u talk with her?"

"Since I asked her out 2 weeks ago!"

"U SOB! Why didn't u tell me anything?" I ask him smiling slapping his arm

"Because I just needed to see how it'd go..."

"And how does it go?"

"Perfect! She's just perfect!"

"Alright then! I'm so glad for u!" I say excited

"Don't change the subject though! What else did u find on that guy?"

"Well, he's a name partner at Specter, Litt, Gal,he is a corporate lawyer and has some huge clients..."

"That's all?"


"So,If he's a corporate lawyer,what is he doing with your divorce? I mean he should only deal with businesses and stuff like that..."

"He might be doing Christian a favor..."

"Oh, come on, and how do they know each other? How did they become friends? And why haven't u heard about him before?"

"U're right, something's not right...I'll look into it!"

"U should...we won't let that bastard make us look like fools!"

"Of course not, but until I find out what's going on, I'll go easy on him...I'll let him think that we're all good..."

"Good, don't let him understand what u're doing!"

"I won't...anyway! I'm leaving, I don't want him to start asking questions!" I say getting up

"Yeah, be careful, kiddo...and if u need anything,I'm here for u!" he replies as we hug

"I know! Same goes for u!" I mention and then leave. On my way out and as I walk to my car putting my sunglasses on, I hear a familiar voice calling my name


"Jared? Hi!" I say as I turn my head to the direction that the voice came from, only to see Jared closing the door of his car and coming closer. God, he's more gorgeous than the last time I saw him almost a year ago

"Hey stranger!"He replies teasingly

"I know,I know,but I'm not having the best year..." I apologize

"I know, I'm just teasing are u anyway? I heard about your divorce thing..."He asks concerned as we hug

"Yeah...I'm good actually, we decided to give anotehr chance to our marriage! I mean, u don't throw 12 years down the drain like that..." I reply and then we break the hug

"Right...well, I thought I could ask u out someday, but now that u're not planning on a divorce anymore,I'll back down..." He says a little disappointed

"What the fuck guys? I can't see y'all coming these days...."I say laughing a little

"Oh! So I have competition,huh?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it competition, but anyway...u know, though, going out for coffee isn't that bad..."

"I know, but what about Christian? He doesn't really like me..."

"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of him! I'll text u..."

"Ok, doll!"He says and I leave, going to my car as he opens the door to the house, since he lives with Jensen

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