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Oct 1st 12:00 AM

Hello? Hey. Who am I? Oh, don't worry about that yet. Trust me we'll meet very soon. But you need to listen. He's coming. You can't trust him. He'll destroy you from the inside out. Don't fall for it (Y/n). It's all an act. He may seem sweet but I promise he's not. You're in danger. Run (y/n). Run. RUN. RUN. RUN. RUUUUUUUUUU-

    "AHHHHH! Shit." I sat on up straight on my bed, trying to catch my breath. Why? For the past three nights I've had the same dream: a  males voice , whom I've never met, speaks to me. I don't ever remember what he says. All I remember from the dreams is him screaming. He always tells me to run from someone. Or something. I hated waking up like this. It was 3:47 AM.

   If I fall asleep now, I could still get another two hours of sleep. Meaning I could fully function.

    So I lied down on my bed. My (f/c) sheets were surprisingly cold but it felt nice. I started to relax in my bed. As I let everything go, that's when it happened. I could feel the heat rising in my body and the panic start to set in.


"Oh shit! If I don't have that done I can say goodbye to my life. Dad's gonna have my head!"

7:45 AM
   I made it to school on time today. Actually, I'm almost proud of myself. I didn't even get coffee and I made it. I threw on a purple T-shirt with a black jacket over top, black jeans, and some purple converse.

       As I walked over to the center of the quad area I saw my... 'friends'. Most of them were just people I knew and didn't really talk to. I knew they were just friends with me to try and get some money off of me. The bottom line: They didn't care. But every girl needs her best friend; Alan just so happens to be mine.

       Alan was also popular but not for the same reasons. His family was upper middle class. Financially they were okay. But Alan was popular because he was, of all things, the quarterback. Yes, a little cliche but I've known him since 6th grade when he was the new kid and everyone picked on him because of his bowl cut. Let's just say, puberty hit my best friend like a train hits a stuck car. Even I'll admit he's hot. But we're friends and that's how it's always been.

   He's never shown any interest in girls which at one point, made me think he was gay. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, but I'd  hate to have a crush on a guy who swings the other way. But in 7th grade he cleared that up by confirming he was straight.

   He was as much of a goof as he was handsome and had a personality that could light up a room as soon as he walked in. He's popular because of his position, me because of my parents money. Practically a friendship waiting to happen. "(Y/n!)! Over here!"

   I hear Alan shout for me to come over so I pick up my pace. "Hey Alan. Nice seeing you, as always."
"I should say the same thing. You look nice today."
"I wore the same thing last Tuesday dude."
"I know. I just really like the black and purple."
"Mmm." As I'm talking to Alan i hear a certain clicking on the ground. Heels. Oh crap. Hannah.

   Hannah Creek. 'The Queen Bee'. More like demon queen if you ask me. But yes, the ultimate diva. See, you got people like me, and then you have people like her. I have good parents that make VERY good money. I don't let it get to my head and treat everyone as they should be treated. Hannah Creek, on the other hand, has okay parents that spoiled her and let all the money get to her head. "Alan! How've you been? I haven't seen you in a bit."  Alan then leans over to me and whispers, "Because I've been avoiding you." He quickly faces Hannah and says, "Hey! Yea, sorry. Football got a little crazy."
"Oh? We should go do something after school. You know, relax a bit without... bothers." As she practically spits the last word she makes eye contact with me and gives me a smirk. "Actually, (Y/n) here invited me to join her to go to a movie and I'll be doing that with her."
"Oh, is that so." She pauses, thinking of her reply. "Okay. Well, I'm going to head out. I need to get someone to do my geography. Bye!" Oh. My. Lord she's annoying.

   As I let my thoughts go, I hear the bell ring as most everyone rushes to class. "I'll walk you to Ms.C's." Alan says in a calming tone. And so another Monday morning begins.

Alright. First chapter. Hopefully you all enjoy and let me know if you want shorter or longer stories! That's all for now. Peace.

Blinded in October Leaves (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now