Chapter 12

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October 12 12:12
Two red eyes meet my empty sockets. The boys are back. "What the hell is your problem?" I say as I push the mask stuck in my face. Just as they exit my vision, orange covered hazel eyes take their place.
"Slender sent us!" He says in a cheerful tone.
"You could've come earlier. You do realize?" 
"We do," says the figure off to the side, "but he predicted you'd leave about now." He says, lifting his mask and lighting a cigarette he pulled out of a box in his pocket.
"Oh yea, I forgot. You're Slender's biggest kiss ass, Tim."
  Toby, being the pacifist he is, cuts in to stop us. "N-Now, can we not? We're a-all just doing w-w-what we need to."
"Shut up Toby!" Tim yells.
"Fuck you! He's just trying to be a better person than you!"
"Oh, suck a dick Jack!"
"SHUT UP!" As the words are screamed, all sound ceases. Brian never speaks. He stares at all of us as we calm down. "Grow up!" He says, his voice still raised.
"Sorry." Tim mumbles.
"Yeah." Toby and I say simultaneously.
"Okay then," I say, "what are you guys doing here and why?"
Tim speaks first. "Slender sent us. He knew you'd leave her alone so he wanted us to come. If you were going to leave he wanted someone to watch her and make sure she was fine."
I sigh and shake my head.
"Okay. So what needs to happen with me?"
They all look at each other. "Well-" Toby starts.
"Brian is going with you and me and Toby are going to stay at your place." Tim finishes.
"Oh-ho no. You and Brian can stay but Toby comes with me."
"He's the only one that can really 'cook' out of all of us." Tim says as he makes quotes with his hands.
"I know that's not true. I'm not leaving unless it's with that waffle boy." I say pointing to Toby.
"Well, you don't have a choice." Tim says as I'm once again tackled by Brian into the wormhole and we are teleported to a new location. As I look around it looks similar to (Y/n)'s community. Brian is already up and ready. He offers me a hand to help me up but I slap it away, annoyed that I left with the most responsible out of the three stooges. We were in the middle of a dark street. "Where are we, Hoodie."
"I think that's only the third time you've called me that."
"I prefer being called Jack and not Eyeless Jack. So I figured you'd rather be called Brian."
He only gives a hmm in response.
For the next few hours, we go around to random houses and have a little fun. I never thought that going out to hunt with one of the most serious and closed off proxy's could actually be considered a good time. Brian was a extremely skilled and methodical killer, which, in the end, made us compete over who could preform the more perfect crime.

    7:46 AM

    Brian had just finished off a small child in one room as I killed the Father in the other. He, of course, leaves the signature of the proxy's. I'm in the middle of putting one of the kidneys into a jar when I hear it. It was faint but grew louder in an instant. "JACK! You need to go back to your home. Something has happened! Toby-"
"Already on it!" I say as I run out of the house with hoodie. Outside, the sky is already illuminated. Hoodie grabs my hand and we travel through the wormhole. We hit the ground running once we reach the other side, I don't dare stop.
  After what felt like an eternity of running, I can see my house but not before seeing the smoke pouring out of it. I open the door and I see the strangest sight. Masky is on the top of the stairs with a cigarette in his mouth, trying to shut off the smoke alarm, Toby is crying on the floor, and (Y/n) wears an oven mitten and tries to get near a waffle iron that is smoking . When she reaches it she throws it in the sink and turns the faucet on. Hoodie is just now catching up but stops when he sees the scene before him. Still frozen, I find myself needing to take every detail in. "What...The actual... FUCK HAPPENED?"
"Goggle boy decided to make waffles!" Tim yells from the top of the stairs.
"Toby?" I say trying to keep my anger suppressed as the boy cries pathetically into his hands.
"I k-k-k-killed her!" He stutters, his crying making his condition worse. I leave the door open and open every widow that will.
"I'm going to kill both you bastards for this!" I say as I help (Y/n) clear the smoke. Hoodie, still frozen, only watches in shock.

11:21 AM
     Hours later, we manage to get all the smoke out and the waffle iron unstuck of all batter that might have been left. I sit all three of them on the couch so I can have the full story. Toby started first.
"Well, I w-went to go make waffles s-seeing she hadn't woken up. M-meaning she had no breakfast. S-so I put the batter in and t-told Masky to watch it. I l-looked everyw-where for the keys you told me you left b-but I never found them. Then (Y/n) came d-down and then the alarm went off. Tim had g-gone out to sm-moke. I've never k-killed a waffle that b-bad before."
Tim had the same story and (Y/n)'s version added up to the series of events. "Do you now understand why I didn't want them in my house Brian." He nods, still looking at his two partners. I had no more words for them.

   When night began to fall, the boys stayed. Toby slept on the couch and Tim and Brian slept in an extra bedroom. (Y/n) slept in her room again. I settle into bed and hope that everything will be better tomorrow and that Toby won't make any midnight snacks. I was glad that I could finally just lie down a and sleep.

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