Chapter 11

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October 11 1:27 am

Jack. He's beginning to mock me child. You know his powers all too well. He's giving (Y/n) false warnings. He's mocking my voice and using it as his own. He's now beginning to terrorize anyone in her circle of friends. You need to protect her. No one else knows yet so it's up to you. Don't be fooled by his games, for she will be. Don't let her die.

My eyes open slowly. My pulse is slow and relaxed. That feeling is different from a few nights ago. It was the same voice but not the same person. I recognized it. Slender man. There's no matching it. I swing my legs over and sit on the edge of my bed. I get up and walk to my bathroom. To wake myself up, I throw some water in my face. My hair is standing from sleep and faces on every direction. All I can do is stare at my reflection. The blue eyes and pale skin still remain but my teeth have returned to their usual pointy-ness. My cravings also return. This is what she sees as normal. This is what she needs. I want to smash the mirror. Forget everything I'm labeled as. I grab the key to (Y/n)'s room. I walk down the dark hall and find myself in front of her door. Unlocking the door as quite as possible, I step in the room. She lays there peacefully, her breathing even and soft. I smile to myself as I see the bags that litter the floor have been emptied. I look in the drawer under the tv and find her shirts and pants. "Well at least they're put away." When I walk into the bathroom I see multiple shirts scattered on the floor that have been turned inside out. "Fashion show?"
I say to myself snickering. When I look up I see a figure behind in the room behind me. A black figure that smirks at me as it moves towards (Y/n). She starts to whimper sound distressed. When I run in and the figure is standing on the bed over her and my body is frozen in place. Slender told me. He grabs her neck and she wakes up immediately. "Leave her alone!" I yell as I run towards the bed. When I jump to take him off her he disappears and I fall to the opposite end of the bed. I get up quickly. (Y/n) sits up in shock and I climb on the bed next to her. Her (e/c) eyes begin to leak and overflow with tears. I pull her head close to my chest and allow her to cling to my shirt. I try to comfort her by petting her head and saying I was there and everything would be fine.
After a few minutes she stops shaking and her breathing comes back down. It's only now that she is able to form actual words and what she says takes me by surprise. "Jack."
She hesitates. "Can you stay here?"
Then it's my turn to hesitate. "Yeah." She doesn't move and falls asleep as I cradle her. I lay her back down on the bed and cover her with the sheets. I take a pillow for myself and lie down on the floor. Sleep is no longer an option for me after what had just happened and I wait for the sun to come up.
    I walk downstairs as the sky begins to turn it's signature blue. I put bread in the toaster as (Y/n) had told me she favored it over my pancakes. It's honestly preposterous. "Who baked bread and said 'hey! Let's cook it again!'"
I say as I eat a kidney. I add strawberries to the side and place a banana on the plate too. "I'm getting good at this." I say to no one in particular. When I walk back into the room (Y/n) is still asleep. I tap her shoulder and she jumps. "Jack?" Her voice is hoarse and weak.
"Yeah. I brought you breakfast." I try to smile to make her feel safe. She offers a weak, and clearly fake, one back. I exit the room but don't lock it behind me. It is the morning and it's not like I couldn't stop her. No one would be able to do that with me here actually.
      I go to my door and walk into my room but am startled when I find myself facing a black suit.
"Hello child." His voice is smoother than honey and extremely calming.
"What are you doing here?" My voice shows slightly irritation.
"I thought you would know. I felt him. He's after the girl and you're the only other one of us that knows why."
"Why did you wait to tell me. Why didn't you send someone before I came across her?"
"We need it to play out. The ending has never been stated and this needs to happen. The prophecy told-"
"Yes. You've told me. But it didn't need to be me."
"You know very well that it did. You're playing that part you were meant to Jack!" His voice slowly rises. 
"It could've been anyone! It could've been painter, Jeff, or even Ben!" I raise my voice to match his.
"SILENCE!" He yells. Static replaces any thought that might arise. "Believe me when I tell you that I wouldn't have anyone else to watch over her. You love her, do you not?"
"No. I don't. She means nothing to me. I could care less if she was taken."
"Your actions prove otherwise child. Wether you admit it or not, I can see it."
"No. You don't even have eyes."
"And neither do you." He states in a condescending manner.
"Yes I do!"
"But for only a few hours longer. Your fingers are already beginning to turn gray, child." I look down at my hands and realize he speaks the truth. My fingers were already turning back and at a rapid pace. I frown and look to the side. "Say what you will. I only told you the surface details. You know not of many other things."
  I stay silent.
"I know what you're capable of Jack. If I didn't I would have assigned her to someone else. Trust me Jack."
"Yessir." I say as I try to avoid his face.
"Goodbye child." He says.
"Bye Slender."
    When I return downstairs (Y/n) is lying on the couch and I'm grateful that I have my gloves and mask on. "Jack," she says, "who were you talking to?"
"No one." I say flatly, "Don't worry about it." 
All she does is look at me blankly and shrugs her shoulders.

   The rest of the day passes with nothing out of the ordinary. (Y/n) stays on the couch and watches tv. I join her and leave occasionally.

11:30 pm
     "(Y/n). C'mon." I say as I walk down the stairs.
"What do you mean?" She questions. The only action needed is holding up the keys and she understands. Is that kinda sad?
   She comes up without a fuss but she does it slowly. "You'll be fine tonight. I promise." Her eyes look at me sadly but with trust all the same.
   She clings to my shirt with one hand as we walk down the hall. I tell her to just sleep with the light on as I let the curtains drop on her windows.
  When I walk out I speed walk down the hall into my room. I had been in my pajamas so she'd think I was going to bed so that she'd be more comfortable sleeping. I changed into my black hoodie and jeans and slide my gloves on and grab a scalpel from my bedside drawer. Once I'm downstairs I slide the satchel on and leave out of the front door.
   Running into the woods, the only sounds are the crunching of the leaves under my feet, the crickets, and the gentle breeze blowing around me. I see a ribbon that marks what I like to call the Wormhole. It's more of a portal but wormhole sounds cooler. It takes me anywhere I want to go. Most of my locations are based on news reports. As I'm about to take the final strides to go forward I'm tackled to the ground. I am then met face to face with two big red eyes and on either side orange and black eyes are also present. Red is all that I can see.
    The boys are back...

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