Chapter 17

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October 17 2:27 AM
I woke up to someone patting my head. I turned my face the opposite way hoping I could ignore it. Soon enough the pats turned into soft hits and then into hard ones. I swat the hand away and give an annoyed grunt. I look up and see Jack, no mask. I'm not used to his grey skin so I jump when I see him. I sigh and lay back down. "(Y/n)!" he whispers in my ear. I give a grunt in return. "I need to pee!" he whispers again.
"Go pee then!" I whisper back.
"I need you to get off me."
"What?" I question. I look up at his face and then down. Oh shit.
    "Shit. Sorry." I say as I quickly get off.
When the hell did that happen? And why didn't he wake me up earlier. I could swear he was up when I dozed off. Jack goes upstairs instead of going to the bathroom behind the stairs. "Go change!" he yells right before going into his room.
    "Why?" I say, more to myself, in an annoyed tone. I go upstairs and change into a black shirt long sleeve, dark blue hoodie, and black jeans with black converse. I make it downstairs before him and see Hoodie and Masky holding each other the same way I woke up with Jack. Toby is third wheeling it on Masky's shoulder and snoring, mask barely on his face. I chuckle as I sit down.
     In a few minutes, he comes down in his usual outfit minus the mask. He sticks out a gloved hand when he's in front of me. "C'mon." he says while giving a smile that was almost gentle. I hesitantly take his hand. His fingers wrap around my hand and he pulls me up. "Jack, what are you doing?" I ask cautiously.
"We are going out." He pulls me down the hall we exit through the garage.
The outside air is freezing and I feel it as soon as we step outside. I can see my breath as it leaves my lungs and when I look over to Jack, I can see the same. He leads me through the woods gently. We fly by bushes and trees, holding each other's hands the entire way, but I don't get a scratch on any part of me. The leaves seem to fall in curtains as we pass. The moon is the only source of light and it shines through with no problems. He turns around to see me and gives another smile. I get a flash of the boy with beautiful blue eyes. I'm so surprised at the events going on at once and I'm sure it showed on my face. Trying to cover that emotion, I smile back.
We come to a stop so suddenly that I almost crash into Jack. "What are we doing?" I ask him. All he does is point to the hill that we are at the top of. What does he want. I stand there with a puzzled expression. He looks at the hill and then back at me while simultaneously bobbing his head. When he realizes I don't get it he starts to shake his head and simultaneously says "You don't know?" He looks at me puzzled.  "No. You've had to have rolled down a hill."
I shake my head.
"C'mon. Don't say you've never done this before."
"No Jack, I've never wanted to kill my self by rolling off a hill." I reply.
    "Oh-ho. I'm sorry, your majesty," he says insultingly, "I almost forgot, you're a rich girl. Did daddy never let you get a scrape? Always got what you wanted?" He says while posing innocently.
   "No. I got hurt plenty."
   "Oh alright." he says lying down facing away from me. "If you're not going to roll down with me, can you lie down with me?" he asks, still facing away.
  "How stupid do I look?" I retort.
  "Very!" he says getting up. He walks up right in front of me.
   "Yes?" I say. He says nothing in reply. Instead, he wraps his arms around me. "Jack!" I yell. He lays me on the ground and pins me to the forest floor. "There's only one way out
    After a few seconds of struggling, I give in. "Fine!" I yell. He gets off and lies down to where all I have to do is look up and see his face. "Try to keep your face off the ground and tuck your arms in. And keep your body tight. " he says, demonstrating.
     "Okay." He gets up and gets behind me. "What are you—" I am cut off as I'm pushed down the  hill. I try to keep in mind what jack said. I can hear him laughing as he follows in rolling. I can feel the leaves and twigs as I roll. Why is this fun? The end of the hill nears and Jack makes it to the bottom first somehow.
    As I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, leaves covered my vision. I stay there, frozen. Jack was the one to take them off. At that moment I seemed to forget everything he was. Like I was being blinded by the October leaves. He seemed like he was human, even without the pills. His sockets meet my eyes and he gives me that innocent smile. I can't help but laugh at his stupidity and childlike innocence. Jack joins in and I laugh until I'm crying. Jack doubles over and clutches his stomach gasping for air from laughing. His face gets centimeters from mine and I can feel the heat radiating off him.
    It all happened so fast I don't know if I was dreaming or it was real. Jack placed his hand at the side of my face while we were still laughing. And he kissed me. It felt like hours that his lips were pressed to mine. I was so sucked in the moment I didn't realize what was happening. It took a minute to register in my brain and when it did my eyes snapped open. I pushed him off me and covered my mouth. Jack stared back at me and was smiling to himself. "I mean if you want to cut—"
   "I want to go back." I say.
   "Take me back. Now." I say again, never looking up.
   "Okay." his voice drops to an almost solemn tone. He gets up and brushes himself off and I do the same.
   The walk home is quite. We neither speak nor look at each other.

6:45 AM
   We get home and Jack lets me in first. Toby is up watching tv, Hoodie is eating a cheese cake, but I don't see Masky. "H-hey (Y/n)!" Toby yells as I walk in. I give him a weak smile.
"Hey," He says calmly, "what's wrong?" I look behind me as Jack walks into the house. I don't answer his question and just walk upstairs to my room. As I walk I hear footsteps follow me. When I pause to look, Toby is there and doesn't wait for me to continue and walks to my room ahead of me.
   He sits on my bed and pats the area next to him. "What's wrong (Y-Y/n)?" he asks.
   "I just— I was—. I don't know Toby. I just want to go home." I say.
   "But you seem to b-be fine here."
   "No Toby. I want to go home. I got so caught up in everything here and I forgot who I am. Hell, I wasn't surprised or scared at waking up to a house full of killers. I just want to go home." I say, my eyes beginning to leak.
   Toby looks at me with a look of pity. He looks to the side for a minute. He then takes my hands in his. I flinch from his touch. They were a bit smaller than Jack's but not by much. I don't know how much I want people touching my hands anymore. I feel the need to cry but I suppress it, not wanting Toby to worry.
   "(Y/n)," he said, "we're gonna take you home."

   11:19 PM
   Toby had brought me a small bag and told me to take only what I really wanted to keep. I fit about two pants, the T-shirt I stole off Jack, though I don't know why, and my underwear.
   Everyone had gone to sleep early. Jack was in his room and Hoodie and Masky were in the spare. Toby came to my room close to midnight. "You ready?" he asked. I nodded in reply. I threw the bag over my shoulder and got  ready. I took in the room one last time, hoping I might not see it again.

      Toby takes me to a spot in the woods I haven't seen. "Where are we?" I ask him.
   "A wormh-hole." he replies. I give a confused look. "Just think of a p-place you wanna go and it'll take you there." he continues.
   "Aren't you coming with?" I ask.
   "No. S-someone has to deal with Jack's wrath."
   "Thank you Toby," I say through a forced chuckle, "really."
     I try to think of home. My house. Mom, dad, Lilo. Alan. We hug one time. It's firm and I can almost feel Toby's hesitance to not let me go. When we separate, a tight lipped smile plays on his lips. I brace myself and begin to run to where Toby said the wormhole portal thing was. And just like that, he's gone from view and I'm falling into nothing.

       "Ouch." I say with a calm tone as I hit a hard surface. Grass. It felt alive and soft compared to the fallen leaves in the forest. I hear water in the background of my thoughts. When I look up, there it is. My backyard. The pool and the patio are displayed before me. I get up quickly and run to the back door. Locked. I begin to bang on the door in hopes someone was home. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yell as I begin to cry, "I'm home!" I say softer. Seconds later I see my mom's familiar silhouette. You learn to make sure the image stays when you don't see someone often. She runs to the door and frantically opens the lock. "(Y/n)?" she says surprised. I begin to let everything out as she hugs me and we fall the the floor on our knees. My dad follows soon after and joins the hug.
   After a minute, my mom brings my face up with her hand. She looks into my eyes and smiles before kissing my forehead and petting the top of my head in a soothing manner. "Let's get you cleaned up hun." she says as she leads me into the house. Away from the pool. Away from the woods. Away from the house. Away from the three boys.
                   Away from Eyeless Jack.

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