Chapter 4

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Sorry. I know the last one was super short. I'll try too keep it more consistent length wise(about over 1,000 words). Anyways. Enjoy!

October 4, 10:17 AM

I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was because she "helped" me. She could've shot me at any moment and she didn't. When she fell over the balcony, when her (e/c) eyes met my empty sockets, I felt guilt. I wouldn't have done anything if it weren't for the pool.


Of course the part of the balcony she fell over was above the pool. Rich people make them in the weirdest shapes and theirs ran under her balcony. When I looked over the railings I saw her at the bottom with red starting to seep into the water around her. I assumed she hit her head on impact. Let's go Jack. The girl almost killed you. AND she invaded our privacy and locked us in a room. Yea, besides why should I care.

    As I was about to go inside and finish off her dad, a pang hit me in my chest. No. I don't care about her. She's a stupid rich brat. Sigh. Well, you know what they say.

A life for a life.

  I stood on the balcony and tried to calculate where I was landing. I pushed off the railings with enough force to land me in the deep end. I quickly swam over to her and picked her up out of the water. She felt abnormally cold. As I placed her on the side of the pool and got out I could here the dog barking. Oh god, what now? Then I heard a voice I heard when I got here the first night. Her dad. I pulled myself out of the pool as fast as I could and picked up the girl who called herself (y/n).

   When I looked up I could see her retarded dog and the outline of what I assumed to be her dad. What further confirmed that he was her dad was him shouting at me. Things like "put her down" and "I'm calling the police." I laughed and thought it would be funny to fuck with him. I pulled off my mask and let him see my face. He looked at me in shock and fear. I smirked and pointed at him. "You're next old man." The color in his face drained completely at my remark. I ran as fast as I could around the pool, my stab wound throbbing with pain. I took it that they didn't care about the back of their house because there was no wall. Or a sad excuse for one. All it was was bushes that I could easily push past. But it would be miles before I even reached my woods.


When I could finally see my woods coming into view I could see the sun rising and hear the sirens in the distance. They weren't going to find me or her, ever. I've lived in the same place for 7 years now and nothing. I stepped into the woods and crouched when I heard the siren of a police car coming my way. As they passed I stood up only to fall back down again. With the adrenaline gone I could feel the wound begin to re-open. You better be grateful (y/n). I still couldn't believe I brought her with me. I didn't even know what to do with her.

   I walked for what felt like days into the woods before catching a glimpse of my house. It was abandoned but a friend hooked me up and we made it look a little more modern. I turned the knob to the door and stepped inside, closing the door with my foot. I walked over to the couch and practically threw her on it. Jeez how much did she weigh? Whatever. I decided to go clean myself up before I did anything else.

        I walk out of my room with fresh bandages and start to think. I could put her in a bedroom. No, what about the basement. No even she was a little more 'civilized'. I got it. I settled on the attic. I take her into the hallway of the second story and pull the hatch to the attic down. As I'm carrying her up she shifts in my arms. I really need to hurry. I place her on a bed in the corner.

     As I'm about to leave she wakes up. "Wait!" She yells. "Where am I?"
"Home." I say bluntly.
"I'm going to lock you in. After all, 'we just met. I promise I'll open it in the morning. Please understand where I'm coming from (y/n)'. "
"Jack you bastard!" I hear her yelling from the other side of the hatch. At least she won't bother me.

That night as I settle into bed I hear a thumping in the attic directly above me. Oh god no. It sounded as if she was just jumping around on the floor. I could hear her yelling too. In a chant-like fashion, "LET! ME GO! JACK! LET! ME GO! JACK!" she screamed repeatedly. I tried grabbing a broom and hitting the roof. "SHUT UP!" Then it stopped. It stopped for five minutes. Then, "LET! ME GO! JACK! LET! ME GO! JACK!" I was done. I moved myself downstairs and I slept on the couch.


I regret every decision I made starting the night I met her. She's been asleep since then and I haven't heard her doing anything. I was thin-...I haven't heard her doing anything....

   I rushed up to the attic hatch and waited. I remember what I did to her but she was to stupid to even try. I crack the hatch open and look towards the bed. I see a lump which I assume to be her. As I walk up to the bed I notice she's still asleep.

11:38 PM

[(Y/N) POV]
  I woke up to see jack in front of my face. "Dude! Personal space, ever heard of it?" He just looked at me with that stupid mask. "I know you speak." We sat in silence for about a minute just staring at each other when he finally said "Do you need food?" I was almost speechless.  Through the adrenaline I had last night waking up in a strange place I didn't hear his voice properly. His voice was almost soothing. If I closed my eyes and imagined a 'normal' person, I could've easily fallen for him. But he isn't normal. Hell, from the first time I saw his face he looked like he was about raise hell. "Yes. I would be grateful for some food..."

  He returns about three minutes later with a bag filled with fruits. Just fruits. From what I could see, there were apples, a bag of grapes, a peach, and...a lemon? He dropped it all in front of me. "Eat."
"Umm. Okay. Did you wash any of it?"
"Wash it?" He questioned.
"Yes. You're supposed to wash fruits before you eat them. You should know this."
"Psh. Yeah I know. I was just testing to see if you knew." He snatched the bag off the floor and left the room. He came back a few minutes later. "Now, eat." I tried to hold back from laughing. "Fine. But, could you not watch me." I could feel his eyes through his mask, staring me down. All he does is get up and leave to let me eat.

8:58 PM
     Jack comes back hours later. "What time is it?"
"Night time." I lower my eyebrows and give him a 'no shit' face. I could clearly see that through the window. I had thought about jumping out but there were bars on the outside and breaking the window would just screw me over in the end. "I don't have to tell you. Just know it's passed 6."
"Fine." I wonder what I would be doing if I were back at home. It's Thursday now and I haven't seen anyone besides Jack since 24 hours ago. Actually. Now that I think about it, I really need to pee. "Hey Jack?"
"I need to use the bathroom. Desperately. " I hear him sigh and he gets up. "Wait here a second." He leaves the room and shuts the hatch behind him and locks it. I hear what sounds like a saw cutting through wood.

The next time I see him he has rope in his hands. "Come here." He says sternly. Scared to see what'll happen if I deny him, I cooperate. He ties it around one of my ankles in a very tight knot. He then grabs a shorter rope and ties it around my wrists. "Hey, wait. How am I supposed know...wipe."
"Figure it out." He says. He leads me down the ladder to the second floor and into a bathroom by the stairs. There was a small hole cut into the door. I assume he cut that right before he got me, explaining the sound I heard. Needless to say I had a...complicated experience in the bathroom today. As he walked out I could catch small glimpses of the first floor. It look surprisingly modern. We went back into the attic and untied me. "Thank you."
"Yea. I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day." And with that he leaves me to an empty, dark attic.

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