Chapter 7

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October 7, 3:33 am

  It's always something, isn't it...

His laugh was maniacal. His clothes had dark stains. His eyes were bloodshot red and unblinking. His shaggy black hair fell in front of his face as he stared at me. He looked like a teenager. Maybe the same age or slightly older than me. But his face... his mouth was carved into a joker-like smile. I was in such a state of shock, I didn't move. I couldn't. I couldn't feel my body at this point. Then he spoke. "What's a pretty girl like you doing this far into the woods at night?" He dragged a knife across my cheek, making a small cut.

I couldn't respond even if I wanted to. My brain seemed to kick all my speech out the window. He squinted his eyes, clearly agitated I didn't respond. "Don't speak, huh? Well, let's see how much you scream." He pushed me off the branch and I fell to the ground.

I was pretty high in the tree and my leg hit a branch on the way down. Once again, I didn't scream. Not because I didn't feel it, oh no, I definitely felt it, but because I'd landed on my back and had the wind knocked out of me. His figure jumped from the tree and onto the leaves beside me a few seconds later. "Still nothing, huh? How about this?" He shoves the knife in my thigh. I scream louder than I ever have in my life as he twists it. Thick red blood ran down my (s/c) thigh. "There we go! Maybe if you scream my name I'll let you go." His smile stretched the scars on his cheeks. I try to sit up but he straddles me and pins my hands above my head with one hand. With the other he raised his knife a bit "Come on. Say it with me. 'Jeff'." He stabbed my other thigh this time. It hurt so much I only managed to wheeze. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping for a miracle. "Fine. I'll make this easy for both of us. Just. Go to sleep." The last few days flashed before me. Jack finding me. Him being locked in the room. Waking up in a house in the woods to everything I knew torn away. Teaching Jack to make pancakes. That was how I was going to die.

I feel the tears begin to seep from my eyes as he pulled the knife out and raised it above his head. What compelled me to say what I did, not even I know. But as he brought the knife down the only thing I could think of came out of my mouth. "Jack..." I whispered his name. The knife came down and I was still. Was I dead yet? I opened my eyes to see the man on top of me. His hair was again in front of his face in a way that I could only see half of it. His eyes red, bloodshot eyes wider than before. I could feel the tip of the knife at my throat. If I moved it'd penetrate my neck. "Who's Jack?" He questioned. I couldn't speak. He brought the knife so that the edge was against my throat instead of the tip. "Answer me." I forced myself to speak. "H-he's... I don't know. He lives in the woods. He has grey skin." My voice was weak and cracked as I spoke. I closed my eyes again, remembering the image of him.

The knife was removed from my neck and the pressure on my stomach lifted. I felt a hand behind my back sitting me up. "How do you know Jack?"
"That's...a long story." The man named Jeff stared at me. "Do you belong to him or something?"
"No. He took me from my house and to his."
"Oh! I see what's going on here. Well, I'm taking you back to him."
"What!" No. I couldn't go back. I was thinking about it, sure. But if I did I want it to be by will.
"He'll owe me something if I return a hostage."
"No. He let me go!" He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like a potato sack. The still fresh wounds sting. "Whatever. And jeez has anyone ever told you how heavy you are!"
"Stop squirming or I'll drop you."

6:45 am

He walks for what feels like, and what must've been, several hours. The woods around us began to brighten every few minutes and eventually I could see everything clearly. From the woods around me to the man carrying me. He wore a white hoodie that almost seemed to glow but it had stains that seemed like blood. Both old and fresh. The skin on the back of his neck was also white. Almost as much as his hoodie.

A few minutes later he sighs and says "Finally." I push my hands against his back to prop myself up a bit. I look over my shoulder and see a familiar sight. Jack's house was only a few steps away. Oh thank God.

Jeff, thinking it was okay, set me down. "Fuck!" I yelled as my legs gave out. Jeff immediately swooped his hands under my arms, as if he were holding up a 5 year old. "Sorry. I forgot about that." I only grumbled at him. He wrapped one of my arms around his shoulder and supported me with one of his arms around my upper body.

As we walked up to the front entrance I noticed a broken vodka bottle. I didn't really want to think about it anymore. Jeff rang the doorbell like a manic, pressing it about 5 times a second. About a minute later he gave up because he thought it should've woken him up. He then leads me to the back of the house. I see the glass wall and hope he doesn't plan on breaking it. Luckily, he doesn't, but he leads me just past it. There was a small window in the wall that led to what I assumed was a basement. He practically dropped me on the floor and gave a small "oops". In a second he broke the window and cleared the frame of any glass still sticking out.

    As I wait to be pulled up or thrown through the small opening I hear another "oops" from him. He looks at me and says, " I guess it was open." He gives a half smile and pulls the frame up. I only roll my eyes in response. "In all seriousness, I can't let you see anything down there. It's not my place anyways." He pulls a blindfold out of his pocket and and pulls it over my eyes. I just feel him pulling me into the opening and catching me. "I promise nothing weird is gonna happen." He walks for a few seconds before I feel and hear him going up steps. From the sound of it, they were old and wooden, ready to break but holding. "Oh shit the door is open."
"What, is it bad?" I ask.
"Let's just say he only leves it open when he's been getting busy down here." Still completely blind, I feel a cold blast of air as the door opens.

   Eventually I am put on a surface that feels like the couch I was just on a few hours ago. "I'll be back. I'm going to go see if Jack is home. Stay here."
"Okay." Is all I responded with as the blindfold was removed. I watch Jeff go up the stairs.

     And now we wait. Again.

Hey to the person that reads the book. Ur pretty chill. I've been busy but I'm still trying. I hit a block and didn't know what I wanted but I'm back. Have a good day and I'll push something out for you Thursday or sooner :P

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