Crack/ Bloopers Chapter

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Hey guys. So last chapter was a bit depressing with Sally and all, so this is ur early Christmas gift. This is more of a gag chapter and something a little funny. I'll upload an actual chapter either tomorrow or the day after. With that said, please enjoy

Reader: I'm fine. But I really needed to tell you something. If I can just rem-
Jack: Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?
Reader: ...
Jack: ...
Author: FUCKING CUT! What the hell.
Reader: Heh, sorry. Can we do that again?


Slenderman: A war is to start.
Author: Um, okay again. A little angrier and saddened.
Slender: We... have a war to start.
Author:...okay. One more time, but say it all together.
Slender: we start have a war- haha! I'm finished. I'm done I promise!

*handheld camera*
Jack: okay so we're at the point where were "burying Sally" and everything is serious but Ben...
*flips camera*
Jack: decides it's funny to walk around in the back like he's a trap.
Ben (in a woman's voice): Oh! Jack it's you! Come here I'm reader and I'm going to kiss you!
Jack (running): I'm not gay for fuck boy elves, Ben!
Ben (normal voice): I'm gonna fuck up your camera!


Slender: We have a war to start (pulls out nerf guns).
Zalgo (coming from behind a tree): Get your asses over here!
Cast: What the hell!
Ben (historically screaming): WHAT THE FUCK!
Author: Get your guns! Blue bin or red bin! Hurry! Ben! Sally decorated one for you!
Ben: hell yea! And I'm gonna use her as a shield.
Lou: where is sally?
Scene cuts to sally in a bathroom stall
Sally: I knew Ben would try to use me. So I hid. And everyone knows Ben's fear of water . So I designed his gun to shoot water backwards and into his face.
Scene cuts back to nerf war
Ben (rocking himself in the corner): there was so much water.
Jane comforts him while she shrugs at the camera.

Everyone is picking up bullets
Jeff: This fucking sucks.

Jane: alright so we're watching the last few scenes play out and I've gotta say that I'm pretty proud of reader. They did so well.
Jeff: still kinda wanna bang them.
Jane: nobody asked you.
Jeff: Jack is bi.
Jane: that's his business.
Jeff: water is wet.
Jane: alright thats enough.
Jeff: BUSH DID 9-

Author: so I am just realizing not every one of my readers is female and I'm so sorry for the her/she pronouns but it makes it easier on my grammar to keep them instead of going them/they.

Lou: so we're finally done and everything is wrapped up. Your author just wants to keep you in suspense. I've gotta say that it's crazy how far everything has gone.
Author: me too. I remember when I had only 2-3 reads per chapter.
Lou: Crazy shit. Are you ready?
Author: ...Yea, let's go.

Author: okay I think we're good! Huddle up!
Everyone shifts together
Author: Say Creeps!
Cast: Creeps!
The camera flashes and everyone relaxes.
Author: Thanks guys. I ordered some food. It's all in the cafeteria.
The cast gives a grateful sigh.
Author: now that was stress.

Author: I'm really proud of everyone. Jack, Jane, Ben, Lou, and especially reader. I couldn't have done anything without them. I don't think I want this to end but every breath only makes it seem closer. Well, this is the final recording for Blinded in October Leaves. I guess all I have left to say is: I'll see you with the setting sun!


Blinded in October Leaves (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now