Chapter 10

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October 10 11:24 am

      I wasn't sure exactly how to feel about my current situation. At the same time I want to be sad, I'm getting along with Jack just fine and I'm happy. Don't get me wrong; I miss Alan and mom and dad and not sleeping in an attic, but ironically, this is the first time I've been really free. No work, no responsibility, watching tv and reading books that Jack steals. I'm pretty okay.
    Jack comes home from one of his overnight escapades while I'm still in thought. "Hey."
"Hi!" I respond cheerfully, still lying on the couch.
"I got this for you." He says, pulling something out of his satchel. I look down and sarcastically respond. "You stole something? That's so unlike you!" I giggle and look up. He looks at me, head tilted to the side. His body saying 'really bitch'. I straighten my face and walk up to him as he gets what's in the bag out. "Spam?" I question.
"I thought you ate this stuff?"
"Um, not really."
"Oh. Okay. Wasn't for you anyways ya know." He mumbled the last bit of the sentence like a sad child. I roll my eyes at him. Idiot. He throws the can into the garbage and leaves up the stairs and into his room. I sit back on the couch and continue watching the tv.
   Jack comes back down about ten minuets later in a navy blue long sleeve, gloves, black jeans, and his usual black converse. "Come here." He says as he walks down the stairs, a water bottle in hand.
"Because I told you to."
"Okay mom." I say mockingly. I see him shake his head. I follow him into a half bath behind the stairs. "Umm, do you want me to wait out here because I'm not sure if I-"
"Just come here." He cuts me off calmly.
"Uh... 'kay."
   He opens the cabinet in the bathroom and pulls out a bottle of pills. I look at him, confused about what was happening. He looked at me and asked, "Can you look the other way for a second?"
"Oh my gosh dude I've already seen you!"
"Please?" He begged.
"Ugh. Fine." I turn away with a slight attitude. I hear the bottle open and the sound of the pills moving, him opening the water and popping the pills in his mouth, and the crinkle of plastic as he squeezes the bottle and then closes it.
       We sit in silence for about two minutes. I start to get bored. "Can I turn around yet?"
Jack takes a deep breath. "Yes but before you do," He says quickly, "I want you  to promise you won't look at me weird."
"I promise!" I say quickly. He tries to stop me from turning around but it's too late.
    The picture before me was strange. The boy with gray skin, shark-like teeth, empty sockets, and claws for finger nails was gone. He was now replaced with a boy bearing sky blue eyes, straight white teeth and shaggy brown hair with natural highlights, and his skin tone light. He was frozen in a position that was trying to prevent me from turning around and his hands out in front of him. My eyes were wide. Holy Jesus forgive me. "Wow." Is all I can say. His facial expression changes and shows insecurity.
"I know I look funny but it's what happens every time."
"No, no it's" I make it sound more like a question than a statement. "Anyways, what's with the whole," I pause, "you know."
"Oh, right. Well the truth is you've been here a while, correct?" He straightens up and walks out of the bathroom.
"Well, to be frank, you stink. And you've been wearing that crap forever now and I still love my clothes. So, we're going out!"
"We?" I say thinking he misspoke.
"Yes. I'd rather go out once and get it over with." OKAY DUDE LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
"Okay." I say with a straight face as we both walk out.
    He grabs a wallet out of his satchel. It held cards and cash that I assume he also stole. Dead people's money? Who cares it's all free! Why do I feel like a bad person for thinking that?
     Jack takes me by the wrist and walks me outside and into the garage where a black Aventador Coupé Lamb•rghini waits.
"Okay no. That's definitely newly stolen. Who the hell do you steal from?"
"The rich people that don't appreciate what they have. They always piss me off."
"So like...Saw?"
"Better than Saw. I don't play games baby girl." He says, winking at me teasingly ask he makes a click sound with his mouth. What the hell happened to the Jack I know? Timid and reserved, emotionless and afraid to so much as look me straight in the eyes without a mask to cover his. The traits to take their place were cockiness and outgoing. Almost audacious, even. Still stunned by the sudden change in personality, I jump when he honks the horn. "Come on, the pills don't last forever."
"My bad." I say as I climb into the passenger seat. He drives forward and I notice something I didn't before. There was a darn dirt road that had two separations for tires that I assume were from past vehicles. You mean to say I could've followed that.

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