Chpter 24

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October 24 7:00
Rustle.... Rustle
I'm startled as my eyes slowly open. My neck and hands are in pain.
Once again, I hear movement. It comes from the corner with all the boxes. I stay in bed, hoping I can bring my wrists to my front as I had the previous night only to fail because of the tightness. I quickly bring my hands under me and up to the front. I guess sleeping loosened the knot.
I get up and begin to walk towards the boxes. Unfortunately for my aching neck, I forget the length of the chain and I'm yanked backwards. The rustling gets louder and louder. Figuring I'll die anyways, I just stare. But to my surprise, it's the fox. Seemingly the same one as last night. But how. It didn't come into the house, let alone the attic without Jack noticing. It stares at me with those familiar eyes. I can't seem to pin where I've seen them.
The fox cautiously walks to me and extends its snout to sniff me. I get on my knees and put my hand out slowly. In a few minutes, the fox is curled up on my lap. I smile and carry it to the bed. It seems to smile as I scratch it behind the ears. It almost reminds me of my dog. I stop scratching and the fox looks up at me. It seems to almost roll its eyes as it jumps off of me and onto the floor. The next thing I know, red orange and black begin to engulf the small animal. The smoke is suffocating and i cover my eyes and nose. When it disappears, silence is left. "How did you not see it coming. I mean, they're serial killers for crying out loud." An unfamiliar voice says. I look up and a girl takes the place of the fox.
   "Lou?" I question, surprised.
   "Surprise!" she says as she gives jazz hands. She wears a red orange hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black, slightly heeled, boots. A smirk plays on her face as she leans against the bed.
    "Need some help there?" she laughs.
    "If you don't mind."
    She carefully removes the rope from my wrists and throws it to an unseen corner. She then backs up and lies on the bed. "What about my neck?" I ask.
    "He still wants you as a pet princess, can't do nothing about that. Besides, it'll be easier to explain how you got out of a rope. It's a bit hard to explain that." Lou says, flicking the padlock at my neck. I sigh and lie down too. She was right. "Hungry?" she asks.
   "Starving." I reply. She then pulls out a small pack of Oreos.
   "Not much but it'll help." Lou says.
     I eat the cookies and I'm somewhat satisfied by the sweet treat.

Hours pass and Lou and I continue to talk about random things. Most about the killers. "So," Lou says, "you and Jacky, huh?"
"What?" I question.
"Oh come on (Y/n). Don't even try to hide it. I've seen the way you look at him." she smirks.
"I don't know what you mean." I blush and look away.
"Oh? Then what was all that in the woods a few nights ago? You seemed really into that kiss." she said, extending the 'e' in 'really'.
"You saw that?" I face palm myself.
"Oh yeah."
"Oh god."
"Now that, I could watch over and over again."
"Can we drop it?" I ask.
"Alright, alright." At that moment, we both hear the lock on the hatch being messed with. Lou perks up and in the same way, changed back into a fox and hid behind the boxes. Jack comes in with a bowl of strawberries and bananas but he doesn't bring it to me. He puts it on the floor and walks to me. "Where's the rope?" he asks. I shrug my shoulders and he sighs. The anger from yesterday is gone. He takes my hands and puts them to his forehead. He gets on his knees and says, "I'm sorry. I was upset yesterday because I thought about everything bad that could have happened and how it could've been my fault." I see Lou peak out from the corner of my eye. I know that the next thing I say will determine what the rest of my life will look like. Never looking away from her piercing eyes, I run my fingers through Jacks soft brown hair. "It's okay." I see Lou and she appears to laugh as her mouth opens and small wrinkles form on her snout. She turns around and disappears from view. Jack looks up at me with empty sockets.
"How do you forgive someone like me?"
"I...I don't know."
Jack laughs and pulls out a key. He unlocks the collar around my neck. In a drastic comparison to last night, he leads me gently by the hands down the hatch. He leads me to the living room and places the bowl on my lap.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask.
"Still following my directions."
"When can I see them?"
"Um...I don't know princess."
Didn't Lou just call me that? I think.
"Jack." I say.
"I want to see them. I want to see Tim, Brian, and Toby too." he freezes at the final name, still clearly upset with the final person. He sighs and disappears up the stairs. I hear footsteps running in a matter of seconds. "(Y/n)!" I hear. Jeff charges down the stairs and Ben face plants before me as he comes out of the T.V.
"Clumsy elf." Helen says. Of the three, he is the only one calmly walking.
   "I can't do the proxy's but I can do them." Jack says.
    Jeff and Ben embrace me and Helen eventually joins in.
"Okay that's enough." Jack says, peeling the boys off me and then walks to the kitchen.
"I'm so happy to see you!" Ben says.
"It's only been a few hours." I reply.
"It feels like forever!"
"To be fair, we all thought jack would've done something really ba-" Jeff stops. "What the fuck Jack!" He gets up.
"What?" Jack looks at him.
"What's with her neck?" he snaps. At this, Helen and Ben look at my neck.
"It looks raw." Helen says.
"Oh. Collar. I put it on her while I was still mad."
"You have to be careful with her jerk. I don't give a fuck how much Slender values you I promise I'll hurt you." Jeff spits.
"You better watch your mouth Jeffrey."
"Guys!" I cut in, "Stop. I'm fine Jeff. It's okay Jack." I say looking to each boy. Jeff sits down and Jack goes into what he was doing.

   The rest of the day was filled with talking mostly. Jack was the most silent though. While, at the end of the day he did put me back in the attic, he didn't lock the hatch but only asked that I not leave. Lou comes around the boxes in human form and begins to silently lose her head laughing. "Oh my god! You're so blind. Do you know that?" she howls.
    "What do you mean?"
    "Oh my god. You love him. He loves you. How stupid do you have to be to not see that. I'm sorry but I've had all day to think about it. Literally."
   "Shut up." I say, turning away. She shrugs and returns to her fox form. Curling up to my chest, I fall asleep with a half human half fox in my arms.

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