Chapter 9

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October 9 3:33 AM

Hello child. No. You won't be asking questions. Please, don't be so defensive. I am simply here to make you an offer. It involves that girl (Y/n). You see, what you saw was not your eyes deceiving you. It was an entity that is pure evil and will do everything it can to make her world a living nightmare. I just nee- What? What do you mean 'no'? You can't refuse this! HER LIFE IS AT STAKE! Fine. Have it your way.
End dream

     "AHHHH!" I wake up in a cold sweat, the sheets around me soaked. "What?" I'm terrified with the darkness surrounding me. I feel a pain around my neck and on my stomach. What the hell is going on? I get up to turn the lights on. I head over to my mirror and see myself. My neck is a deep purple and blue. It looks like two large hands, or claws even. I lift up my baggy t-shirt and to my surprise, scratches run all along my stomach in pairs of three's and two's.  Some bleeding and some surface wounds. I look at the clock. 5:33? Why did it seem a lot earlier?
      My alarm was set to go off in a few minutes so I figured I might as well get up. Still, I wonder about that dream and it's connection the the figure in the trees in the woods. It's been a week since (y/n) has gone missing. Her dad is in the hospital. The doctors are probably taking him to a loony bin soon because of the things he said. But no one but him can really give a thorough description. I'll admit, his description is crazy but it's the only one we got besides the black hood and jeans. But that's exactly what was in the trees. (Y/n)'s mother came back from her vacation, as (y/n) said she'd be away in Puerto Rico, and helped put a search team together. Even some of the football team helped. But what's to come, no one knows.

12:04 PM

I was hanging out with some of the football team at lunch. None of them bothered me because of how I'd been acting the past few days. I didn't want to be put in to play for games and I didn't even want to be in today. I just wanted to try to figure out what happened to her. I'm snapped out of my thoughts my a hand on my shoulder. "Yes?" I say slightly agitated about being disturbed.
"Hey Alan!" Oh gawd.
"Hi Hannah. Did you need something?"
"Yea. I know you have a game today but you seem to not even be playing. So did you want to go see a movie with me—?" She extended the e.
"No. I have to be there. Even if I'm just riding the bench." I give a bull shit excuse. Coach said I could take a break because he knows how close we were.
"Oh. Well, did you want to go do something now? We could sit over there," She points to somewhere I can't see because I don't bother to look, "just hang out a bit." She puts he hand on my arm.
"Do you not get it? Leave me the fuck alone right now! I don't need to be bothered by someone who's blown the whole football and boys volleyball team!" I get up and gather my things, the boys behind me laughing hysterically. I walk away to my next period despite the bell not being run yet.

5:38 PM

I'm sitting on the side watching the team play. I didn't want to be at home so I like riding the bench a little. Our opponents aren't that good because the score is 38-6, so it's not like I need to pay too much attention. I hear something that makes me perk up. I don't know what it is really. Maybe I had just been imagining things.  I look straight ahead of me and across the field. A boy with a blue mask looks directly at me, seemingly unnoticed by everyone else. All he does is stare.  I look around to see if anyone else was seeing it. But the boy is no longer there. He is now replaced by a man in a suit. His hair dark as midnight. But what caught my attention was his eyes. Even from here I could see they were a vibrant red. Scared I fall back on the bench. "You okay son?" My coach spoke.
"Yea. Fine. Just fine." I hesitated. When I look, there is nothing in the spot that was once occupied by the figures. "Alan!" It's her!
"(Y/n) ?" I hear her. She sounds as if she's right next to me. As if all I have to do is reach out in any direction and touch her. I hear it again. "Alan!" Behind you.
"(Y/n)!" I get up and look around. She's not anywhere I can see.
"Son, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I say, realizing I must seem crazy, "peachy even."
"Alright. Let me know if you need anything." I nod and he walks away. I feel myself want to cry. Why am I playing these tricks on myself? I sit down and wait out the rest of the game. I want to curl up and cry. I don't want to look at anyone or anything right now.


     I make it home ten minutes after the game ends. We had won, again. "Where've ya been?" My father says as I open the door, drunk from bottles of whisky.
"At a game dad."
"Oh. Did ja guys win?"
"As always. I'm tried. Good night."
"Wai-wait! Hey," My drunken father punches the wall "don't walk 'way from me."
"Good night." I say as I run up the stairs, not wanting to engage.
     I get to my door and open it. I heave a sigh as I drop my bag on the floor. I grab some cloths and jump in the shower.

       I wait for the water to warm up and I jump in. The warm water cascades down my chest and onto the shower floor. I press my arm against the wall and lean my head on it as I silently break down in the shower. When are you coming back (y/n)?
      I get out after about thirty minutes. As I get dressed I look up into the mirror. I jump back, shocked, as I hold back a scream. I see a man instead of me. No. Not a man. A demon. Four horns, mouths filled with shark-like teeth covering the body, and red eyes stand in my place. I fall to the floor as my legs give out. When I come back up there's nothing. No man. No eyes. Just my reflection in the slightly fogged mirror.
I think I'm just tired. I get the rest of my clothes on and make it to the door of my room. I feel uneasy with the darkness. I open my closet to put my laundry in. The mirror reflecting my every move. I look down as I close my closet, still trying to process what i saw. I look up.

                      "Hi boy!"
         I scream as I'm engulfed by darkness.

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