Chapter 15

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October 15th 3:06 AM
        We had been running for hours trying to find where Toby took the damn girl. He said they had run into a clearing but when we looked, there was none to be found. We all began to slow down and catch our breaths. Jack, Toby, and I were hunched over and huffing while Hoodie remained his usual stoic self. But if you listened hard enough, you can hear it from him. "Where the hell is this clearing Toby?" I say, clearly agitated.
"I-It's somewhere. It had f-flowers a-and... I d-don't know where it I-is." His voice is shaky and his stutters add to it.
"Of course you don't. You know why? Because you're useless!"
"Stop Tim." Hoodie says. I stare in shock. That's the first time he's ever called me by my name. I sigh and stand up straight. "It should've been right here," Jack said. Shaking my head, I pull out a cigarette and lighter.
"You really shouldn't smoke," he said as he looked at me.
"I don't give a rats ass." Just as I'm about to light the cigarette a branch falls from the tree above and hits my head and the lighter slips out of my hands. "Son of a bitch! Well don't just stand there. That's my favorite one. Help me look." Everyone sighs and we start looking, everyone groping the ground trying to feel it out. "Hey Toby?" I yell, not knowing where he is.
"Didn't you say you guys were making flower crowns or some shit on the way here?"
"What color was hers?"
"Ummm. P-purple." I turn around with a purple crown of flowers in my hand.
The flowers were purple but had traces of some sort of black powder. It's at that moment we all hear a scream in the distance. we all begin to run in the direction of the sound.
The screaming started to get closer and we all jumped into the trees. We jumped from branch to branch as the screaming got louder. The closer we got, the more we could here that between screams, there was crying. The moon was the only light but she had finally come into view. We could see her form on the ground, tied up and being dragged as tape hung off her mouth like it had been partially ripped off. The figure dragging her looked like it was only a few inches taller than she was. It's voice was unfamiliar to me though. "Come on (Y/n). You'll be fine. You're not supposed to be here," it said.
"Why are you doing this. This can't be you,"
(Y/n) said in between sobs.
"Shh. I'm trying to help you."
I could hear Jack begin to growl softly. "Calm down." I whisper. As I look closer at the figure I can see he has what looks to be either a hammer or mallet at his side. "I'm gonna go down," Jack says, jumping down.
"Jack! Don't," I say.
"Well, I guess we follow," Hoodie says, jumping down as Toby follows him.
"What the fuck." I say agitated as I jump too.
By the time I land on the floor, I have already missed some of the conversation and the tape is now covering her mouth completely. "So you've brought people with you," the figure says, "no problem." He pulls out what is now confirmed to be a hammer. He sits (Y/n) up against a tree.
"Now, if you don't want her pretty face getting hurt," he said, creepily stroking her cheek, "I suggest you back up and leave us alone." He looks angry when she flinches away from his touch. She begins to whimper and I look towards Jack. You could almost see the steam coming from his head. He takes a step towards them. "Oh-ho no! I don't think so," he says as he raises the hammer over his shoulder. "Don't think I won't." He then swings the hammer and narrowly missed the top of her head as it slams into the tree. (Y/n) begins to sob uncontrollably. "No," Jack says, now starting to walk. "Back up. I will!"
"I know you won't," Jack said, "you need her alive." He stopped, now only feet in front of both of them. If he dove he could've touched her. The boy's face looked furious but then returned to a calm, neutral expression. "Fine," he paused, "You're right. And you win." He said, dropping the hammer. As it hit the ground, Toby and Hoodie took the chance to throw themselves at him to bring him down. But they never touched him. He then appeared to the right of everyone. "We'll see each other again," he said as he disappeared. Jack dove towards the girl and I ran up to his side. He took the tape from her ankles off and I removed the tape from her face as gently as I could and then proceeded to remove the tape from her wrists. Her legs were cut and red along with her arms and face and her hair had dead leaves in it. Jack and I helped her up and carried her on both our shoulders. Toby and Hoodie were now up and ready.

      We didn't get to Jack's until hours later. We took our time and let (Y/n) have small breaks. Toby ran ahead to open the door and Hoodie ran inside.
     When we got into the house Jack and I put her down on the couch. It was then that Hoodie emerged with a first aid box. Jack grabbed the box and started to work. He poured rubbing alcohol on a cloth to disinfect the cuts and looked (Y/n). "Ready?" He asked. She looked at him and shook her head, "No, I'm not." He then pressed the cloth on a section of her leg with the deeper cuts. She screamed in pain and gripped the couch. She began to slam her fist. He then went to a cut that ran pretty deep on her left ankle. Tears began to seep our of her eyes and onto her cheeks. They left streaks as they slid down.
     When Jack had rubbed all of the cuts he asked me to help carry her up the stairs. We went into the bathroom on the right and Toby came in to turn the shower on. "I can take a shower myself," she said. "You heard the woman! Let's go," I say, dragging Jack out. Hoodie and I go into the room we were staying in and Toby joined us. Jack stayed outside of the door. He said it was in case she needed help.
      A few minutes later, we heard the water turn off. "Toby?" we hear her say through the walls. We get up and follow him into the hall.
"Can you go into my room and get me cloths," she says.
"S-sure. Where are they?"
"In the drawers under the tv." Toby runs into her room and comes out with cloths. He knocks on the door. She opens it slightly and snatches the cloths. She comes out and Jack is under her arm in seconds. He takes her back downstairs and onto the couch. He then proceeds to bandage some of the cuts.

      Toby was making traditional waffles instead of making some weird new one. He put strawberries and bananas on them and then the syrup. He walked out of the kitchen and gave the plate to (Y/n). "I-it's a-happy to see ya!" He said. When I took a second look, the banana was cut into slices and two were on the waffles as eyes while the strawberries served as the smile. (Y/n) giggles and said thank you and I chuckled at Toby's stupidity.

      Jack was protective for the rest of the day. He didn't allow her to move unless absolutely necessary. He didn't clam down until she was in her bedroom, asleep. I was going through his cabinets as he came down the stairs. He sat down and the bar. I turned around in shock when I found something interesting. "Jack," I gasped in surprise, "you drink Jamaica," I asked as I held the leaves up to my cheek.
"Only when it has some form of alcohol in it."
"Right," I said. At that moment, Hoodie walked onto the balcony on the second floor. "Masky, if you don't hurry up I'm locking you out of the room."
"Alright. Alright," I say putting the leaves back, "good night Jack."
"Good night," he said in return.

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