Chapter 21

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October 21 10:32
     I was in the kitchen of the mansion eating a snack. I'm minding my own business as people walk in and out. As I'm eating, Ben walks in. "I'm going to kill someone." he says in an annoyed tone.
   "Can I help?" I ask.
   "Yea, you take the blame so Slendy can chew your ass and not mine." he replies laughing.
   "Who did what?"
   "Slender let Sally into my room because she wanted to play games. Now I can't find any of the good ones."
   "All of your games suck." I say as I snicker.
   "Oh yea? Name one." he says.
   "Overwatch." I say bluntly. Ben then gasps dramatically, putting his hands to his mouth.
   "Who the hell do you think you are?" he yells.
   "I don't know. Maybe Widowmaker. Maybe Winston? Or, I'm sorry, do you wanna be Winston." I begin to laugh. Ben's pale skin turns red at the reference to the song.
   "Okay first of all—"
   "Jeffrey Woods!" A voice says at the doorway.
   "Hey sexy." I say as I see who it is. Jane stands there and stares at me and I wink. 
   "If it weren't for the contract you'd be dead. At this point I don't mind if Slender man kills me as long as I kill you first."
   "We all know you'd sleep with me any day." At my remark, I hear a growl emit from her. She charges at me and I begin to run around the table attempting to avoid her. She jumps on top of the table and runs at me.
   "I know you like me but this just makes you look desperate babe!" I yell as she chases me.
   "I'll have your head placed on a pike as a trophy!" At this moment I bump into something. Well, more like someone. Splendor man is before me as Jane catches up. He grabs both of us by our collars and looks at us with a disapproving expression. "There are children present in this house. Apologize to Jane, Jeffrey."
   I cross my arms and turn away as I pick up my legs to cross them too and Jane does the same.
   "Jeffrey." he says as his voice rises.
   "I'm sorry." I say, never looking up.
   "Jane." Splendor looked at her.
   "Im sorry." she says. He drops the both of us on the floor and walks out.
   "I'm not sorry." we both say in unison as we stare at each other. I look around for Ben but he has since left. I walk out of the kitchen and leave Jane behind. I go up to my room where Smile Dog waits for me. He jumps up and licks my face. "Gross! And you're shedding!" I push him off playfully as I chuckle. I sigh when I lie down.
    I don't feel like doing anything! I think. Boredom takes over as I stare at the ceiling. Too bad. I also hear. But not in my own voice. Please come to my office child. There is business that needs to be discussed. I freeze, thinking it may have been about what happened in the kitchen. I get up, a bit nervous, pet Smile, and leave my room. I walk down the corridor to Slender's office. I reach the door and stand there apprehensive. With a deep breath, I open the door. His office is simply decorated. The walls are red with a cream colored trim. The carpet is in a faded crimson and scarlet colored pattern. The tall window behind the desk adds to the feel of superiority he has over all of us. The bookcase to the right has small decorations for Halloween. Live spiders and carved pumpkins decorate the room. Red and black candles are scattered about the room and a small plant lies on the desk before Slender. The chair barely passes over his head. His hands are folded and he leans back in his chair, waiting for me to take a seat before him. I close the door and walk over to one of the chairs. I sit down and wait to speak. I feel like a small child about to get lectured. I tuck my hands between my thighs and press my legs together and begin to click my heels. "Jeffrey Woods." he says. I sigh because I know what's coming. "I heard what happened with Jane this morning."
   "Look, it was just some fun. Everyone knows she wants me." I say trying to lighten my situation.
    "If it weren't for me I think you'd be dead child."
    "Whatever." I look away. Slender sighs.
    "Well, lucky for you, that's not why you are here." Slender says. I look up, curious.
    "I can't think of anything else I did."
    "It's not that. It's what I need you to do."
   I look at him skeptically. "What would that be?" 
   "Child, I trust you, I very much do. But sometimes you get out of hand and sometimes, you don't do enough to get your job done. I know you are a very good asset to this team. Your insanity drives you and you allow it to. But that can also be your weakness. Once it came in, your shyness left. You got confident and it's why you are now the way that you are. I understand that you are still very protective. This is proven by how well you stand up for everyone here. Of course, with the exception of Nina. But I mean people like your brother Liu and even Ben. You have no reason to, yet you still do. Your ability to protect as well as attack sets you apart to me. Everyone has something that I like, or none of you would be here. Your records are practically perfect when it comes to killing. You're actually in the top five. Anything I hand you, you're able to complete. You also understand how to—"
    "Oh my glob. I'm sorry but do you ever shut up?" I say.
    "Oh. Well I was just—"
    "I get what you're trying to say. Just give it to me straight."
    "Right. Well, Jeffrey Woods, this is everything you need to know.
                  This is your new assignment."

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