Chapter 20

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October 20th 2:56
     I was furious. She has only been gone a few days but, my god, I was still furious. I couldn't decide who I was mad at more though. (Y/n) for leaving, or Toby for helping her. I told Slender about what happened and he only laughed at me. I wanted to send Masky and Hoodie to watch her but Slender sent Ben and Helen. For god sakes, one is useless and the other hardly talks to anyone.
I was pacing in her room. Am I that bad at kissing? I shook my head and pushed the ridiculous thought away. What the hell did I even kiss her for? As I think about it more, Masky knocks on the door. "Yes?" I say.
"You seem stressed man. It's not good for you." He says as he puts a cigarette in his mouth.
"You don't think I know that." I reply, pushing past him and out of the room. I walk to the balcony that is directly across and go outside.
"What are doing?"
"Why is it your business?" I retort. I begin walking up the stairs and onto the roof.
"What happened with (Y/n) that night?"
I freeze. I think back to all the events. Waking her up and running through the woods. The hill I pushed her down. The kiss. I shake my head.
"Nothing that concerns you, Tim." I say as I walk up and to the porch swing where I sat with her once. What happened to me? What happened to the unbreakable, heartless killer?
"Jack," Tim says, leaning against the railings, "I know you don't want to speak about (Y/n)—"
"Then stop."
"But," he lights the cigarette he held in his mouth, "you need to face the music. Be honest with me here Jack," he says as he exhales smoke, "Do you love (Y/n)?"
I stay silent. How do I answer a question like that? I don't even know how I feel about myself, let alone someone else.
"Do you," Tim pauses, "love (Y/n)?"
I sit still and don't move. I hope that if I'm still, I might just disappear.
"So you do." he says, more like a statement than a question. I think it over. I don't know what I feel for (Y/n).
"And what if I do? Then what? Because if I'm being honest, I have no idea what I feel." In that moment, I feel so conflicted about every emotion running through my head. It all comes to a screeching stop when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay Jack. I was the same way with Brian. I hated admitting it but I eventually came to like him just a bit more than a friend. I'm not saying because I'm older that I know better but I've definitely been with Brian long enough to know how to spot someone in love." he says as he flicks my head. I chuckle along with him. "Why don't you go see her?"
"She'd never want to see me again. She doesn't even want to breath my air at this point. Besides, she's probably better now."
"Oh?" Tim says, "what happened to you being territorial with her. You always had this rule about things that belong to you right. You always get them back. And as far as I've seen, that's the truth. I think this'll all play out fine in the end. Just give it time. Or," he pauses, "you can say 'fuck giving it time' and go do it yourself. So what are you going to do?" A long pause is held before Tim breaks the silence. "I'm gonna go see what Brian is doing." he pats my back and gets up, leaving me alone on the roof as the sun hangs in the West.

I lie in bed and ponder everything that Tim said. I begin to wonder if what he said was true and if I really do have some sort of romantic feelings for (Y/n). 'So what are you going to do?' repeats in my head. What am I going to do?

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