Chapter 31

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October 31st 12:30 PM (Ben: the final day...
Author: shut up and get to your position
Ben: Ow! Fine...)
Everyone in the mansion was busy. Either dismissing the holiday or joining in and helping each other get ready. Some people joke around and go as each other, others will go as themselves, and others will follow tradition and dress up as something completely unrelated to them. For example, Judge Angel had lost a wager and is dressing up as a fairy.
I sit on the couch and watch everyone buzz around the house. Ben sits next to me. "Hey (Y/n)." he says.
"Hey." I respond.
"What'cha doin'?" he asks.
"Yes you are." I look at him puzzled. "You're reading. By yourself. You should socialize!" His face isn't towards me and he seems to be looking at the tv.
"Who are you talking to?" I ask.
"You, well, them." Ben says as he points in the same direction he was previously facing.
"Okay? I'm gonna go over there now."
"Try not to do anything convenient!" I walk away puzzled but laughing.
       I walk into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. Jack walks in and pats my head. "Hi." I say.
       "Hey." Jack responds. He grabs a jar out of the fridge and eats whatever it contains. I don't bother to look. While I'm used to him eating, I don't like to look at it.
"You going with everyone?" he asks.
"Maybe. Are you?"
"Yeah. Sally loved walking with me so I kinda have to."
I smile slightly. Her energy must've been too much every year if it's got everyone in the house like this. Lou comes in and grabs the sandwich I was making. "Thanks, love." she says as she takes a seat.
"No problem." I say slightly annoyed. Making another sandwich, I sit down by Lou.
"So you coming?" she asks also.
"Everyone keeps asking me that!" I tell her.
"Well then just agree to come!"
"I don't have a costume though."
"Just throw some blood on and boom, Halloween. There's gallons in the fridge in the basement or Ben might have some."
I sigh and then agree to go.

7:30 PM
I dress in my outfit and throw blood on it. My mind flashes to last night. The man slowly dying beneath me. The satisfaction I got from watching and feeling his blood on my skin. What's wrong with me?
Jack enters the room, blue mask and all, and comes up to me. "We're leaving in a few minutes. Are you ready?"
"Yeah." I say. He gives me a hug and grabs my hand. I look at him and he lifts his mask.
"Once." he says, his tone slightly demanding. Grabbing my cheeks, he pulls my face toward him. I push away slightly when his lips taste funny. He chuckles and looks at me. "What's wrong?"
"You taste like pennies in a weird burger."
"You, you ate a kidney and then kissed me without, gross." I wipe my mouth.
"Relax. You're fine."
"Shut up." He takes my hand once again and leads me out the door.
We walk downstairs and big groups of people are in the living room getting wrist bands. "What are they for?" I ask Jack as I point.
      "They identify us by group. This way if someone gets lost we know they're a Pasta and what group they're supposed to be in. Each one has a proxy symbol so, yeah." he explains. I give a 'hmm' in response.
      We go with Lou goes with the group we had last night. Each group has a map that marks the meeting place where we need to be at Midnight. We get our wrist bands, which are purple, and join in. Smile wears a purple collar that has the proxy symbol all over it. Toby also joins us. 
     Slender suddenly appears in front of the door. "You know the rules. No killings tonight unless you were assigned. With that said, be safe my children. I will be joining the blue group and checking in on each group from time to time. Now have fun." He opens the door and groups leave one at a time.
       As soon as we're out, we all run towards the portal. We run through the forest, howling and laughing. We get teleported to the woods by the neighborhood we explored yesterday. Our group begins to walk and we make it out to the street. "Haven't seen you in a while Toby." I say as I hug him.
      "Yeah. I-I was kinda scared. Y-Ya know, with J-Jack and all."
      "Yeah." I say as I pat his back. Jack walks ahead with Lou so I stay with Toby.

        We hit several houses and have our bags almost filled. Already prepared, Lou hands everyone another pillowcase we leave our candy with Candy pop, who takes it to the mansion and then comes back.

       By 11:30 we start heading back. The lights on most houses are out. Haunted houses seem to be the only thing still going. We make it back to the woods and everyone is laughing and joking around. "I'm glad I came." I say to Toby.
      "Glad y-you came too!" Toby says. We laugh and joke around. We meet a few groups at the portal and they also are happy and buzzing still. Pastas begin to go through the portal and disappear.
      By the time I'm even close to the entrance, only some of the blue and all of the purple is left. Jack catches up to me and Toby and he walks with us. We're in line to go home and I look at the Pasta that's next. His hands are up at his side and facing upwards as if questioning. "What's wrong?" I yell. Another pasta responds.
      "The portal closed!" At this, everyone begins to fidget. I look at Jack and Toby. Suddenly, another portal opens. This one glows red and black instead of blue and black. A humanoid figure slowly emerges. Boney and seemingly no fat. It's fingers are long and sharp. Jack puts a protective arm in front of me. "Rake!" he shouts. Everyone pulls out a weapon and prepares themselves. Following the Rake is a woman with a Clock in her eye. But that's not what scares me. The girl following her is too familiar and I know who she is. Dressed in all pink ripped clothes is Hannah. Behind her, Alan. Both have glowing red eyes and grey skin. Finally, Zalgo. He looks as he does in the paintings. At the very same time, slender man appears.
      "Leave." Slender speaks loudly.
      "I thought you'd be happy to see me son." The term comes out condescending instead of caring. Everyone stares at Slender.
"You've taken one. How many more must you take?"
"As many as I need to until I have her." Zalgo points to me. Toby also buts a protective arm in front of me and grabs his hatchet. Zalgo laughs. "Go." he says. Rake and Alan charge. Rake clears a path straight to me by knocking over others. Jack charges at the Rake with only a tiny scalpel.
"Jack!" I yell. He slides between the Rake's legs and slashes them. A sharp screech fills the woods. In return, the Rake slams into him and his mask partially breaks. Toby turns around and guides me away.
"We have to go!"
"I can't leave him."
"I'm sorry (Y/n) b-but you ca-" Toby is knocked away from me. Hannah is on top of him trying to drive a knife into his chest. I quickly grab a large rock and slam it against her head once. I look up and see the Rake charging towards me. I run in the opposite direction wondering what happened to Jack. Hoping for the best, I try not to let myself cry.
I get lost in thought and trip over a large tree root. I turn around, convinced this is it. The Rake takes a leap and I close my eyes. Bye Jack. I accept my death. However, I open my eyes when I hear a thump. Jack is pinned on the floor once again after tackling the Rake.
"Run!" his scream is so loud his voice crackles. I breathe heavily and get up. I look back at Jack. He notices and I see his eye from the broken part of the mask. They slightly soften, "Go. It's fine! Now run!"
Then, I do the only thing I can, what Jack said. I run.

Hiiiiii!! Sooo, how u guys feeing? I'm feeling pretty hyped 😂. Last day. I've come so far in the book and I'm so happy for everyone's support. I probably sound like a broken record but I rlly love you guys. Lou's birthday was yesterday so if u wanna leave a comment for her then that would be great! She reads these and I love seeing her reactions. I wish I could see everyone's. I love you guys. And as always I'll see you in the next ch-wait. I can't say that. Well. I'll see you in the next- uhhh. Yea. Bye guys 💜🖤💙

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