Chapter 30

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October 30th 2:30 PM
The past two days have been agonizing. All we've done is training. I learn new tactics in only minutes because if I don't, I'm guaranteed to get hurt or die. Every single person here is fighting for a purpose now. We're either fighting for Sally or fighting to fighting to keep the world in one piece. I wouldn't be fighting for me so I'll assume no one is. I was only around Sally for a very short time, but she made a big impression. Walking into the mansion was scary but something about her seemed to soften the blow. I can feel the difference in atmosphere. A bitter and sad feeling constantly floats around the mansion.

I'm taking a break in the back when Lou walks in. "Hey." she says.
    "You're doing a lot better. Everyone's noticing." She tries to cheer me up but to no avail.
"Thanks." I say, giving a fake smile. A silence hangs in the air.
"Do you know what tomorrow is?" she starts. I look up at her in response. "It's Halloween."
     "And?" I ask.
"Sally really loved it. It was the only time of year we could go out without hiding and be normal for once. No medication needed."
I look down at the mention of Sally's name.
"We wanted to keep that part of her alive. I wanted to invite you so you're not cooped up at home."
"I'll think about it." I say as I get up. "I'm going back in. I'll see you later." Lou watches me leave and I prepare myself for another round against someone I've just met. They get more aggressive. In the last day I've only had to rematch 4 out of 102 matches. We stay up all day and night to train.

8:52 PM
I'm physically and mentally exhausted. My breath is heavy and my eyes are begging to close for hours. I've won another match and I stand up straight to look up at Slender. "You are dismissed." I hear over the intercom. I clutch my side and limp over to the door. As soon as I'm through, Jack is at my side helping me to the room.
     "Are you okay?" he asks.
      "I'm fine."
"Well I'm just asking beca-"
"I said...I'm fine." I interrupt. He doesn't try to speak again. I turn on the shower and let the water heat up. Grabbing the first aid kit and putting it by the shower, I jump in. I see the blood, both my own and from others, running down my body and down the shower floor. The cuts I have are few but deep. Quickly, I change the faucet to fill the tub slightly. Grabbing the first aid kit, I pull out a needle and thread. Sitting in the shallow water, I prepare the wounds and steel myself for what I have to do next.
The needle shakes in my hand. After a deep breath, I stick it in my skin. I yelp slightly and cover my mouth. It comes out and I cringe as I pull and repeat.
After about 30 minutes, I finish all my wounds. Slowly, I get up and clean my wounds one more time with peroxide and get dressed. Jack is lying in bed when I come out. What if I just step out for a second? I walk over to Jack. His eyes are closed and he snores slightly. I put on black jeans, a black hoodie, and black Converse. I peak at him one last time as I walk out of the room. Thinking I would be sneaking out, I try to be as quite as I can be. As I near the living room, I hear voices. I sigh and listen.
"Okay. Same as every year okay?" I hear a feminine voice say.
"Alright. Are we doing groups or just all together?" A male voice asks.
"All together this year. Tomorrow, if we break off in big groups we won't have a problem. We also have a time to leave." The former voice confirms. Curious, I step out. Lou, Ben, Jeff, Smile, Candy Pop, and Laughing Jack are in a group.
"Hey guys." I say.
"Hi." Lou responds.
"What's going on?"
"We're...hunting?" Ben gives an excuse. Lou hits his shoulder.
"You made it obvious elf." she sighs. "We're mapping our rout for tomorrow. You should come. Might be good for you." Lou suggests. I sigh and think. I was trying to get out anyways. This was I don't have to be alone.
"Fine." I say as I walk down the stairs.

10:02 PM
We've gone to several neighborhoods. Mostly rich ones. Jeff says he knows where the best spots are so we've been following him. "I'm surprised none of you are hunting." I say.
"Don't bite the hand before it feeds you." Jeff says.
"That's not how the saying goes." Lou cuts in.
"It is now." Jeff laughs. "Because after this, someone is getting killed." Lou rolls her eyes. We sneak around through the shadows. I catch a glimpse of a family in their living room through a bay window. A mother feeds a baby and a male cradles her from behind. A girl, about my age, smiles at her sibling. I feel a twinge if envy. I'll never have that. Lou calls my name and I catch up.
We walk for a few minutes and begin to hear yelling. As it gets closer, it turns out to be arguing. When we're even closer, it's mostly shouts of a male. We all go in to observe. A man is arguing with a woman about her going out with her friends. "I told you you're not allowed out unless I say so!" the man yells.
"I'm sorry. It was just us. I didn't think it was a pro-" she is cut off. The man slapped her cheek. She holds it and cries. I hear Smile begin to growl next to me. The man then holds the woman's neck. Her eyes fill with panic. Her face contorts in pain and she claws at the hand at her neck. I feel anger begin to boil inside me and I can't take it anymore. I break through the window and shield my face from the glass. In the process, I knocked over a lamp that illuminated the room. Everything goes dark and I can hear the woman drop to the floor and gasp for air. "What the fuck!" The man screams. The moon shines in the room and almost provides me a spotlight through the window. I slowly stand up and I hear Smile jump in. I charge toward the man and he tries to swing at me. Using my knife, I slide on the floor and cut the back of his calf.
      Smile stays in front of the woman and keeps her on the floor. When the man clutches his calf he exposes his chest. I take the opportunity and stab his stomach. The man drops to the floor and begins to cough up blood. I kick him until he's on his back. I straddle his chest and pin his arms down with my knees. I slowly pierce his neck with the knife and he desperately tries to scream. I pull the knife out as soon as I feel it touch the floor. His body goes limp beneath me. Smile growls in the woman's face. "Smile!" I yell. "Back off." He obeys and takes his spot at my side. I walk over to the woman and crouch in front of her. She panics and I put my bloody hand on her shoulder. She freezes. I bring a finger to my mouth to symbolize 'shh'. She nods slowly. I run over to the window and Smile follows.

      Everyone looks at me in shock when I return. "What?" I ask.
      "That was totally awesome." Ben says.
      "I taught her that." Lou says, flipping her hair.
      "No way! I did!" Jeff cuts in. They all begin to either congratulate me or claim they taught me. I laugh and walk away with Smile. I want to see what else we can do tonight.

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