Chapter 23

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October 23rd 3:28
   "Share!" Be yelled at Jeff. I watch them bickering over fries. Jeff holds the fries above his head and Ben jumps futilely. "Come on short ass." Jeff taunts.
   "I'll take your phone then!" Ben reaches into Jeff's Hoodie and pulls out his phone. When Jeff takes it back he holds it in the hand with the fries. Ben smirks, sits down, and puts his hand and phone under the table. A small hand then comes out of Jeff's phone and grabs a handful of fries and then disappears. When I look over, he's happily eating and Jeff looks annoyed. I smile and look ahead of me.
I've been seeing Lou a lot today but I've never spoken to her. She sits in a secluded corner of the restaurant with a small pack of Oreos and drinks out of a cup while reading. She always seems to be within 30 feet of me.
Helen sits opposite of Ben and next to me. For a Tuesday, it's surprisingly empty with people coming in and out. We spend out time at the restaurant for another few hours.

8:37 PM
I finally am able to take a shower and relax. Ben is in the small room Jack once occupied. The door remains unlocked and open. Jeff rebuilds the fort and Helen takes his place on the floor next to my bed. These three boys are like children. I'm exhausted and I begin to close my eyes. I reassure myself that all my assignments are done and that the killers next to me are harmless. My muscles begin to relax and I settle in.




My body is faced away from the sliding door and I hear the sound of tapping. God, please no. Please! I hear it again.




I begin to breath heavily as I sit up. I look out the door. "Here we go again." I whisper. A blue mask and black hoodie outfit greets me. I shake my head violently at the familiar figure. He taps again but I cover my ears. I silently cry right there. Ben comes out of the door and looks at me with his head down. He walks to my bedside and takes my hand. "I'm so sorry (Y/n). I know you don't want me to do this." He then goes to the keypad. When I jump up to try and stop him, Helen springs up and embraces me to keep me in my place. I scream at him to let me go but he shuts his eyes and squeezes me tighter. Jeff comes out and opens the door for Jack. Each boy looks down with shame. Jack walks up to me and Helen begins to let his grip soften. Jack offers his hand out to me and stays there. When a press myself into Helen, hoping I can pass through him, Jack grabs my wrist. I begin to cry again. Jack pulls me into a hug and holds me. I begin to punch him and hope he will let go but I know his strength greatly outnumbers mine. My legs give out and Jack joins me on the floor. He turns me so that my back is against his chest. "Shh." He puts a rag to my face and I black out.

9:37 PM
   Walking. Woods. We're walking through the woods. Jeff carries me on his back and the rest surround him. Jack leads the way. When I shift Jeff pauses and so does everyone else. "Don't try anything." Jack says bluntly. I look behind me and I still see lights. Lights that belong to houses. "You guys just left?" I ask.
   "Yea." Ben responds.
    I relax on Jeff's back and let him carry me. I feel a little hopeless because this situation feels so familiar.
    We've been walking for a while and Jeff finally puts me down. After a while of walking something blue catches my eye. I stop and look. An oreo wrapper is among the leaves with crumbs still inside and everything still looking fresh. Everyone stops and looks at me. "What?" Helen asks.
   "Nothing." I  say, never making eye contact. I keep walking.
   Minutes after, we hear rustling in the bushes. All of the boys around me either take a fighting stance or pull out a weapon. The rustling continues and as the boys are about to take action, a small fox jumps out. It's red and white coat seem to shine and it's black paws are darker than a moonless, cloudy night. It's gaze is piercing as it stands before us. Those eyes seem so familiar. "It's just a fox." Jack says.
   "Can we kill it?" Jeff asks.
   "Leave it." Jack replies. He motions us forward and we continue to walk. We notice that the fox follows us. When Ben tries to scare it away, it comes back moments later and continues with us.
   We walk for a few minutes until Jack says, "Alright, new portal, faster to home." He sprints into seemingly nowhere and then disappears. The boys hold my arms and run through with me.
   We end up in the same spot where I left Toby and ended up back home. Toby. I'm saddened at the thought of the ticking boy. I look down and red fur gleams up at me. The fox? The three boys beside and behind me are equally confused.

      The house was in sight and something I thought I'd never go through again happened. Jack turned around and pulled out a rope. The same rope as the one he used only a couple of weeks ago. "No!" I scream. Jeff, Ben, and Helen hold me. I scream again and try to fight but, against the strength of all four boys, it was useless. My hands are then bound in front of me and I'm being led by a rope once more. "As of now, you three will have no contact with her unless instructed to. If you defy me, you die. You will stay here until I've given you permission to come in. Am I clear?" Jacks voice is deep and threatening. They all nod guiltily and turn away from mine and his gaze.
   He slams the door behind him and drags me up the stairs. My tired legs are unable to keep up and I fall several times. Every time, I am jerked up by Jack and he drags me more. Jack practically breaks the hatch when he opens it. He pulls me up the latter and throws me onto the cold floor of the attic. His breath is heavy and his posture shows how angry he is. He takes the rope off my wrists only to retire them around my back. He then goes into a corner and comes out with what seems to be something like a metal collar attached to a short chain. Jack brings it to my neck and closes it. A small pad lock closes it completely. The other end is hooked to the bed post and allows me no further than the window.
   "Don't think about trying anything. Is that clear!" Jack spits in my face. I cry and nod. He growls and punches the wall next to my head. He stomps towards the hatch and slams it shut. It locks and I'm once again, alone in the dark attic.

End of chapter 23...

Heyyyy! So... sorry to mention this again but some have been skipping chapters. How idek dood. They go by day so if ur not sure, make sure u didn't skip a day. I vomit the last of my creativity onto this screen so it means a lot when u guys read. As always, thanks for reading and I'll see ya in the next chapter.

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