Chapter 19

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October 19 4:00 AM
     The alarm rings and I cringe. I don't want to get up right now. The reason I even have an alarm this early is so I can wake up before I wake up. Like a prep wake up. I convince myself to get up and Lilo jumps off the bed. She runs to the door and whines to be let out. "Right. Come on." I say as I let her out to do her business first.
I come back and begin to get dressed. I settle on a (f/c) shirt and black ripped jeans. I throw a white hoodie over everything because it's always cold. I walk to the mirror to fix myself. Huh, looks kinda like someone I met once. What was his name? Jeff. I remember that smiling bastard. I laugh and shake my head. I grab my bag and bring it with me downstairs.
"Let's see." I say to myself. "Cereal maybe?"
I look over my options and just decide on Lucky Charms. I grab the box and open the fridge.
I feel a small pang as the first thing I saw was cheesecake. I guess I just miss those two. But what confused me was that mom or dad didn't really like cheesecake and, while I kind of do, I've never asked for it. It doesn't phase me and I grab the milk. "Let's see if these actually make me lucky, dog." I say, looking at Lilo.
I leave the house around 6. School doesn't start until 7:30 but I like to be there before the gates open. I walk in hopes of getting fresh air before another day. It's only one hell after another.
I sit down in front of the gates and wait for them to open. I'm the first one there, which is surprising to me because before, there were at least eight or nine people who did the same as me. It's another 15 minuets until the gate opens. At 5 minutes before, people finally begin to show up. I enter and sit in my usual space, not caring to talk to anyone. I keep my eyes on my phone and try to go unnoticed.
Well that didn't last long. I look up to see where the voice came from. It looked like one of Alan's friends. "Hey. Haven't seen you in a hot minute." he said.
"So what's the story? What happened?" he asked.
"I haven't even been gone that long. I don't want to talk about it."
"Come on. Tell me everything. I wanna know" he probed.
"I don't," I pause dramatically, "want to talk about it." I say, getting up and walking away.
"(Y/n)?" I hear from another direction. And then another, and another, until people have fully surrounded me. They asked about where I've been and what happened and where was Alan. I couldn't wait for the bell to ring.

7:34 AM
I was finally able to make it to class. Ms.C was at the front, preparing for the class.
"Good morning everyone!" she said with a smile.
"Good morning Ms.C." everyone says in unison.
"I have good news. (Y/n) has finally returned and is joining us today. Please help her if she needs assistance." At this everyone looked back at me. "In other good news, we have a new student joining us today. But I can't see him." As if it was rehearsed, a boy walked into the classroom. He was on the shorter end, blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He walked, no, practically strutted next to the teacher's desk. He wore a green shirt with dark brown pants that had a chain hanging on the side. His bag and shoes also bared the color green and his wrists were decorated with several bracelets. "Hi!" he said in a cheerful tone. Immediately, I could hear whispers. The girls; how cute he was. The guys; how cool he might be.
"He looks pretty gay if you ask me." I hear a voice behind me. Everyone turns.
"You look pretty gay Zak," I retort, "leave him alone." He slouches in his chair and pouts.
"Thank you (Y/n)." says Ms.C. "Now, I'd like to introduce you all to Benjamin—"
"Ben. Ben is fine." the boy interrupts.
Ms.C smiles, "Ben Drew. Zak, you will be moving so that he may sit behind (Y/n)."
"Yes mam." he says with a hint of sarcasm. The boy then takes his spot behind me.

We're about 45 minuets into class and everyone has begun to pack up early. I'm in the middle of packing my book when I feel someone pull my hair lightly. "Ouch, hey!" I say as I look around.
"What's up cutie." I look up and the new boy winks at me.
"There's better ways of getting my attention." I say, going back to my books.
"Maybe, but that one was the funnest."
"That's not even a word."
"Is now." he says.
"Did you actually need something?" I ask.
"Then tell me." I say.
"Nope! Boop." He says as he pokes my nose. The bell rings and he chuckles as he leaves. "See ya soon (Last/name)."
Let's hope not. Because you make absolutely no sense.

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