Chapter 25

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October 25th 4:52 AM
    "Fine!" I yell at Jack.
    What the hell? This already happened. I'm rolling down the hill. It seems fun. Jack. We're laughing. Oh no. I know what happens next. I know how this ends. I can feel his touch and I'm reliving everything. And there it is. The kiss. I don't feel anything other than his lips. The pain in my heart when I realize what's happening. Eyes? I don't remember this part. Red, glowing eyes in the trees. A dark mass. What's happening? Why is it laughing? What's going on?
End Dream
    My eyes open. I abruptly sit up. Lou is at the bedside. Her knees on the floor and her arms and head rest on the bed. For some reason, her eyes are as wide as mine. "Wow," she starts, "that was intense."
"Were you watching me sleep?" I yell.
"Kinda, not really." She replies calmly.
"That doesn't make sense."
"I can see and manipulate dreams." her tone is nonchalant.
"You gave me a nightmare?"
"No, I was going through your memories. At first it was just about the kiss but I guess you two weren't alone. Besides me obviously."
"So now its memories and dreams?" I question.
"Well, manipulation of the mind. If I seek the truth, you don't even have to tell me. I can make people feel whatever I want them to," she hesitates and then looks at me with a smirk, "if ya know what I mean."
"I'm good. No need to demonstrate." We laugh for a few seconds. Lou then turns to me with a worried expression. "Hey, do you know what that was?"
"I think the super tall guy told me. I think his name was Slender man. He said something like 'Zalgo'."
    She stays silent. Minutes later she finally speaks. "Did he tell you? About the prophecy?"
"Yea." I say.
"So you're on our side right?" Lou says.
"What do you mean?"
She sighs, "That old man is always forgetting something. He should've told you that the side the girl chooses was never clear. All we know is that she leads the war. Never on what side she fights on." she explains.
I laugh at the thought. "I'm not going to fight for someone who's tried to kill me."
Lou smiles at me. "Alright fox," I say, "go back to your box corner."
"No." she says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"I'm going to annoy the hell out of you." As she speaks I begin to grow more agitated. She rambles on about forests and animals and I give up.
"Fine!" I feel angry at her and I go down the hatch. I bust open Jack's door to tell him about the annoying animal in the attic but when I walk into the room, I've already forgotten my purpose.
Jack lifts his face to look at me. "(Y/n)?" he questions. His voice is low and hoarse.
"Yes." I respond. My tone is assertive yet confused.
"I thought I asked you not to leave." he says, putting his head back onto his pillow.
"I was gonna tell you something. I just forgot what." Out of nowhere, I begin to feel drowsy despite being wide awake only seconds ago. I lose my balance as a result and stumble against the wall.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"I'm fine. But I really needed to tell you something." I walk over to where he is sleeping.
"If I can just rem-"
"Oh my god!" Jack interrupts. "Do you ever shut up?" He grabs my arm and pulls me into the bed with him. What the fuck is going on? Jack spoons me and I feel confused, yet totally relaxed. I open my mouth to speak but I can't seem to make anything come out. I began to shift and Jack grunted. Scooting back but never letting me go. I want to protest but again, nothing comes out. I fall asleep that night in Jack's arms.

     10:38 AM
    I wake up the next morning to the sun shining brightly in my face. The golden rays give warmth to me but not enough for the heat I feel.  I realize I'm in a bed that's way to big to be mine. And the marble floors are not of the attic. I try to get up but it's only then that I realize I'm being held from behind. I look behind me. Jack! I mentally yell at myself. Trying to recall the events that led to this. I was in the attic, had a nightmare, Lou and I were talking about invasion of my privacy-...
    I'm going to kill that furry little bastard and make her into a damn hat!
    I try to remove myself from Jack but each time, his grip only gets stronger. "Jack." I whisper. His gray skin is calm and shows no signs of being conscious.  "Jack." I say again, poking his face. He grunts but opens his eyes. Or at least the black holes that are meant to be his eyes. "What are you doing in my bed?" He sounded surprised.
   "That is an extremely long story."
   He merely gives me a hmm and closes his eyes again.
   "Let me go you weirdo!" I push him only for him to hide his face in my back.
   "I'm comfortable!" he yells. "Besides, you woke me up!" I try to tickle his sides but he doesn't move.
   "Jack!" I laugh.
  "Five minutes (Y/n)!" he pleads.
  "Ugh. Fine." I plop down and wait. As promised, a few minutes later, he gets up.
  "Not gonna lie; that's the best sleep I've had in weeks." he says.
   I try to hide the blush on my face by smiling and turning away. Shaking my head, I get up.
"Hey, before you walk out," Jack says, "I never got to say sorry for the night at the hill. I really fucked it up that time, didn't I?"
I pause. "Did you just quote the song Little Lion Man?" I ask.
"Maybe." he smiles timidly. I snicker to myself.
"It's fine." I tell him. I walk out of the room and down to the kitchen.
The boys come down shortly after and join me. I see Lou cross the woods a few times outside but no one else does. As we sit on the couch, I begin to dig into my thoughts and study my feelings. I...I think I actually have feelings for Jack. At the thought, my heart begins to race. I guess I'm out of the denial stage. I begin to think of every side of Jack. The possessive, annoying, clueless parts. But also the caring, playful, and helpful parts. I laugh remembering the mall.
"Whatcha laughin at?" Ben asks.
"Nothing." I reply, still smiling. "Hey can I ask you for something?"
"Anything." he says.
"Do you have a speaker I can borrow?"
"You're talking to the master of any and all electronics. Yes, I do. Do you care what brand?"
"As long as the audio comes through clearly, no."
"Okie dokie!" he jumps into the T.V.
"I have the best fucking idea." Jeff says. "I've been waiting for this." He quickly puts in a CD. The screen becomes static but in an instant, the picture shows up. "He always pops out of the center of the screen!" Jeff yells. The video is of a woman in labor. The video is taken from the most graphic angle. She screams on the hospital bed and, what I assume to be her boyfriend, holds her hand. The screams fill the house and Helen looks extremely confused.
"What the hell Jeff?" I look at him.
"Wait for it!"
     The woman is told to give one final push. The baby begins to come out but we never see the entire picture as Ben comes through.
"What's up bitches?" he yells. I can only imagine what my face looks like.
"You're sick Jeff!" In the background, the doctor proudly says "it's a girl!" Jeff begins to die. Ben turns to see the screen.
"Oh. Hilarious Jeff." he says, clearly annoyed. Handing me the speaker, Ben moves towards Jeff. I quickly get up and run upstairs. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Regardless, I walk down the hall and to the balcony that will lead me to the roof. I place the speaker on a small table preparing it for what I had planned.

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