Chapter 18

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October 18th 12:03 PM
I've been up for a bit. It's the first time I've been home in a while. I get to reflect on everything that happened. I was in this exact spot when I first encountered Jack. I remember everything that happened. He came in and I held the gun. I gave him my clothes. I remember trying to talk to him. I remember locking him in the secret small room. I remember I went to school the next day and was with everyone. Alan...Alan?


     It was him. But why is it all coming back now? Why did it seem like that day never happened? Why haven't I thought about it? I begin to remember that day. Toby and I were out in the clearing making flower crowns and it happened. Toby walked away to get another color and he took me. He tied me once Toby ran to go get help and began to drag me. But he was different. His eyes were always green but they were yellow and red that day. His hair was was also a deep red and he didn't look like himself. I remember flinching at his touch because it didn't feel like him. I can't accept that was him. That couldn't have been him. I snap back and burst out of my room and to the kitchen downstairs. Mom is in the middle of making a sandwich when she sees me and Lilo is by her. She pauses ,"Is everything alright?"
    "Yea," I say,trying to relax, "can I ask you something?"
    "Sure sweetie." she says as she spreads mustard on the sandwich with a butter knife.
    "Can I go over to Alan's?"
     As I say this, she drops the butter knife. She coughs a bit before speaking.
    "Um, (Y/n). We may need to have a talk about Alan. Sit." she says, pointing to the chair in front of her. Oh please no, I think.
    I sit down on the chair as my mom walks to the one next to me.
    "Sweetie, Alan is gone." she pauses to see if I give a reaction, "They say he went mad. He killed his father on the ninth. He shot him and then waited for his mother to get home. When she did, he shot her between the eyes. The woman wasn't even two feet into the house."
   I sit there in shock. I know Alan hated his parents, but not enough to kill them.
   "He then went to their next door neighbor's house," she continued, "and shot the parents of the 6 year old that lived there. When the police asked what happened, she said that Alan had red and yellow eyes. He shot her but it wasn't fatal. She's in the hospital now and is expected to make a full—" I don't hear the rest of what mom said. I was already zoned out. It was him.
"(Y/n)! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." I say as I'm once again brought back.
"If you say so. Hun," she hesitates, "I know you don't want to hear this but, you may have to return to school tomorrow."
"What?" I almost yell.
"I have to fly back to Puerto Rico and finish what needs to get done. I signed a contract saying that as soon as you were found I'd be back. Your dad still needs to work too. I'd rather you be surrounded by people than by yourself."
   "Fine," I sigh, knowing I can't win, "I'll go get my stuff ready." I push the chair out and stomp off to my room as the dog follows me.
     I begin to pack my book bag for the next day. "Okay, I think Im done." I say as I plop on my bed. All of a sudden,
    Something hits my head, but not an object. Something like a really bad migraine comes over me and I begin to clutch my head. I can hear laughing from a man. I start to roll as the pain becomes unbearable. Soon, other parts of my body begin to hurt and give out. Then, it was gone. I sit up and look around. Nothing. Everything is still except for the dog on the floor sleeping as it's chest rises and falls. I must've been imagining it.

   I've just showered and gotten dressed. I'm sitting outside on the balcony with my favorite blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I remember everything that happened here up until I was pushed over these railings. The memories flash as I close my eyes. I still wonder how it happened. Lilo sits to the side of my leg. I chuckle. "Where were you that night?" She does nothing but look up and wag her tail at me. I chuckle again as I get up. I look at where I was pushed and wonder who would purposely jump from here to save someone. Shaking my head, I walk back into my room as Lilo follows.
      She jumps up onto the bed and curls up. I drop the blanket and climb into bed. I sigh as my back rests on the mattress. I stare at the ceiling, still thinking about everything. Especially Alan. I wonder how different school will feel without him. I don't even know if I'll be able to keep my sanity. I turn on my side and Lilo comes up and lies down close to my chest. "Yea. I think tomorrow is gonna be hell." Lilo whimpers and closes her eyes. I sigh and curl up as much as I can to her tiny body. Tomorrow is gonna be hell.

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