Chapter 14

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October 14th 1:00 AM
     I still don't know why I did it. It was just an in the moment thing. When I got back to the roof everyone started teasing me but what do they know anyway? Toby was the first to leave the roof. He crashed on the couch again. Then hoodie retreated to the spare room. For a while, it was just me and Masky. He eventually grew tired and that left me by myself for a bit. All I want to do right now is look at the stars and eat this kidney I took on the last hunt.

1:22 PM
Please tell me why I agreed to the boys, more specifically, Toby, to stay here? Him and (Y/n) are currently acting like idiots in the kitchen. They've made about 7 new types of waffles. I don't even want to know what's in some of them. (Y/n) and Toby eventually put everything in the sink and go outside. Toby is the first into the woods as (y/n) follows. Each screaming like morons. I follow behind to make sure nothing happens. They run through the woods and I keep up in the trees. After a few minutes of running, they come to a clearing. Both still laughing. I find a branch and settle in. This clearing is a bit strange because it had flowers that didn't fit the season. There were pastel purple and pink colors and blue and white. Each different kinds. For a while, they sit and talk. Eventually they start picking at the flowers and somehow make flower crowns. I get up to leave at this point. She'll be fine I tell myself, and I walk back home.

I was now playing cards with Masky and Hoodie is watching while eating cheesecake. I usually don't play fairly when it comes to this and the moment I saw a devilish look on Masky's unmasked face, I "sneeze" and shove all the cards off the table. "Awww. My hand was too good anyways Tim." I say. A white lie. It was a really bad hand anyways.
Tim gets upset and throws his cards on the table. As he walks to his shared room, he curses me out and threatens to slit my throat. Just as he reaches the balcony at the top of the stairs, Toby bursts through the door.
"They have her!"
"Who?" I yell as I silently curse myself for leaving.
"I-I don't k-know! H-He just came a-and grabbed her!" He screams as he's on the brink of crying.
"You were supposed to be there! You were supposed to protect her!" I scream in his face as I grab the collar of his shirt. Brian pulls me off, "Jack!" He yells. "We need to go find her."
I glare at Toby and then Brian.
"Fine. Let's go then!" I say, already out the door.

End of Chapter 14

Heyyyy. So I've been so busy and I'm trying to keep a few days ahead. Please forgive me if I fall behind. It's actually a lot harder than it looks. Ok this chapter was short but I'll try harder. See you next time and as always, thx for reading!

Blinded in October Leaves (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now