Chapter 27

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Ring Ring!!!

I wake up to my cell ringing.


"So you can call me about advice about a new hire? Why didn't you tell me everything that has been going on Willow?!"

I roll my eyes.

"Ma we're just rebuilding our relationship and you have a lot going on. I did not want to add to that."

"Willow you are my damn child! You are my priority. Listen, I know I haven't been the best mother but I have been trying to chance that. I know we might not ever have the dream mother and daughter relationship but we will have a relationship. I am going to always be there for you forever. Now tell me what the hell has been going on."

I begin to tell my mother everything and she listens and by the end of the conversation this lady has booked a ticket to come visit.

I get up to go check on babygirl and find her sleeping peacefully. I go into granny's room and she is snoring super loud. I laugh and close the door to head downstairs. I am going to cook breakfast today.

I go to wake babygirl up for breakfast and she is already up and has picked out her outfit

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I go to wake babygirl up for breakfast and she is already up and has picked out her outfit.

"Good morning Ms. Alexa."

"Good morning Mommy! Mommy I had a dream that we were sailing on this big boat!"

"Really baby? That was a nice dream. Let's get ready for school huh big girl?"

"Okay mommy! Daddy said he was taking me to school today. Is he still coming?"

Dammit! I totally forgot about the arrangement. Let me put some clothes on before he even tries it this morning.

"I don't know baby, I will call him. In the mean time, you make sure you are ready. Your breakfast is downstairs when you're done and I have your lunch packed."

"OKay mommy love you!"

I head to my room to shower. I guess I might as well get to work early since I don't have to drop babygirl off. I will actually save a little time today.  I grab my outfit for the day when i come out of the shower.

  I grab my outfit for the day when i come out of the shower

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I put my clothes on and grab my phone to call Alex.

"Hey babymama."

"Hey Babydaddy haha. Listen are you still picking babygirl up for school today? She is really excited about it."

"I am already at your door. Let me in woman."


I head downstairs to answer the door and here he is with more flowers for me.

"Thank you sir. Babygirl!"

Babygirl comes running from the kitchen with her backpack and lunch bag.


"Hey babygirl! Are you ready for school?"


They head out of the door and I kiss my baby's cheek. I clean up the kitchen and puts granny's food in the microwave and head out the door.

"Hey Jen! Set up my station for me. I have 2 sew-in Installs today back to back and I also need you to screen the new receptionist and show  her the ropes."

"Okay bosslady! I am on it!"

I pull up to the shop and head upstairs to the meeting room. It's Monday so we have developed a power Monday meeting.

I walk into the meeting room and everyone is seated and waiting.

"Good morning ladies! Thank you guys for waiting on me. This Power Monday Meeting will not run long. We have a new Stylist so i expect her to be welcomed as a new member of the BB family! Gina stand please."

Gina stands and everyone claps.

"ON to other matters. Ladies this week is going to be a good week. I will be doing evaluations this week. I will also be checking commission and sales. You guys will be compensated for commission by friday. We also have the warehouse which will be back in production next week so if you know any people who would like to work there, refer them to Jennifer. She will be assisting the hiring manager.  Let's be productive this week! let's get it!"

We all head downstairs and Gina pulls me to the side.

"BossLady i just want to thank you for being so welcoming to me. This really means a lot to me that you would take a chance on me."

"Gina someone had to take a chance on me as well. We all make mistakes in life and things happen in life. God is forever forgiving and forever awesome. He opened that door and gave you your gifts. I am just thankful he sent such a beautiful soul to bless my Beauty Bar."

I hug her ad we head downstairs.

I get downstairs to my station and find flowers sitting in my chair.

I get downstairs to my station and find flowers sitting in my chair

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I open the card and it reads:

Thank you for being the mother of my beautiful daughter. Thank you fo allowing me back into her life and thank you for forgiving me. I know I didn't deserve neither of you but I promise you, you will never have to worry about any of that ever again. You are beautiful and are truly a God sent Willow. I will forever be thankful to God for sending you into my life. Nothing was worth what I did to you or my daughter. I m going to continue to show you and her how much ou guys mean to me. 

I love you,


I smiled and called my client over.

People can change right? I know he wasnt the best but he saved my life several times, he gave me my daughter. He is my first love and I can't help but still feel butterflies around him. Ugh! Love is just a heffa with a blonde wig!

Is Love Enough? (BBW/Curvy) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now